Maybe you woke up today as the first day of daylight savings and decided to get back to running. Dedicated runners know a lot about time management and hard work. In order to fit a bunch of quality runs into their schedule, they have to rely on a Calendar to make the time. Their dedication to the sport is admirable and comes with many lessons that can be implemented even by non-runners. Here are six things runners will tell you to add to an online Calendar like ClickUp Calendar or AnyDo Calendar.
Ready to learn from this eccentric group of athletes? Here are a few of the lessons they can teach you about using your online calendar for time management:
1. Start With a Plan
All good online calendars are crafted with a plan in mind. This is usually one or more races that they want to train for in the coming months for runners. This specific goal will dictate how they organize their time and fill their schedule. Goals are a runner’s bread and butter, giving them targets to chase after on the road to progression.
For example, let’s say a runner has a plan to run a marathon in six months. They’ll use their online calendar to plan workouts leading up to the day of the race, so they’re in the best shape possible for the event. Without a plan in place, that marathon would be next to impossible to finish.
2. Make Use of Your Mornings
The early bird gets the worm or five miles in before breakfast in the case of our runner friends. In order to fit in a regular workout routine alongside a regular schedule, the morning hours often provide the best opportunity. Even if you don’t choose to hit the trail as the sun comes up, you can still make good use of your mornings with proper time management.
Use your online calendar to develop a morning routine that works for you. It might not include a trial run, but you can fill those morning hours with productive actions instead of sleeping in until the last minute before work. The better you start your day, the more momentum you’ll carry into your daily schedule.
3. Schedule Time to Rest
As important as hard work is, it’s equally important to find time to rest. Every good running schedule and workout routine includes some rest days to prevent the body from getting overworked, which can lead to injury. Regular rest days are also beneficial for your mental health, giving you a scheduled opportunity to take a step back and reassess yourself.
Everyone deserves a break here and there. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, use your online calendar to force yourself to take a break by scheduling the time to do so. Even a ten-minute window during a hectic day may be all you need to keep it together.
4. Take a Friend
They say that many hands make light work. This saying can clearly be seen in the runner’s pack mentality. While many runners prefer their solo runs with headphones blaring upbeat music, hordes of others choose to band together to make runs more enjoyable. It allows for small talk, goal sharing, and an extra shot of motivation at the tail end of a difficult workout.
Running isn’t the only activity where a friend comes in handy. A buddy can help you master a new skill, pursue a new hobby, or tackle a difficult work project more easily than you could on your own. Sharing your Calendar with another allows you to sync schedules to get the help you need on whatever task you desire assistance with.
5. Focus on the Little Things
Becoming a veteran runner isn’t just about tacking on the miles and wearing out a dozen pairs of shoes. Proper nutrition and hydration are key to becoming a great athlete in any sport. Taking care of your body also helps you prevent and recover from injuries and make good use of the exercise you’re getting.
If you have a hard time remembering to hydrate, use your online calendar to set drinking reminders to pursue your goal to get that hydration in. If your difficulty in training comes from trying to eat healthy — your Calendar can act as a meal planning guide. It’ll help keep yourself accountable for healthier eating even on the days you just want to order a pizza.
Healthy habits such as these are beneficial for everyone, not just the athletes of the world. Proper hydration boosts your energy levels and bodily functions, and healthy eating will help you feel a lot better throughout the day. Add proper sleep to the list of things to put on your Calendar, with a good nightly routine to make sure you’re getting proper rest after each busy day.
6. Track Your Progress
Runners are on a constant quest for improvement. Each race and workout provides an opportunity to improve their best times, which fuels more training and hard work. While it might seem like an endless chase, competing against yourself is very fulfilling once you look back and see how far you’ve actually come.
In the pursuit of your own goals, you can track your progress using your online calendar. Runners will often write down their workouts and personal bests as a reference point for the future. Do the same in your Calendar by taking note of what you do each day. Everything you add to your Calendar will be recorded for you to look back on later.
While you might not feel the desire to lace up your shoes and sprint down the street, you can use your online calendar to hit the ground running on whatever goals you wish to pursue. Use the habits and mindset you see from runners to get from point A to point B, and you’ll see they aren’t as crazy as they might seem.
Howie Jones
My name is Howie and I'm a Customer Success Manager at Calendar. I like to ensure our customers get the best experience using our product. If you have questions email me howie at calendar.com