Are you tired of feeling like you never have enough time in the day? One way to get organized and finish your essential tasks each day is with a smartphone app.
However, it is essential to realize that not all of them offer the correct functionality for your needs or organizational style. That’s why it is just as important to choose a style of app that best suits how you organize your day and your overall needs.
To help, we’ve put together this guide with different types. Here are a few ideas on finding the best calendar app for your mobile device.
General Calendar
Most people are typically familiar with a basic calendar app. This is an incredibly simple option that breaks down your schedule into days, weeks, months, and the overall year.
Some apps allow you to add notes or basic tasks, but there really isn’t a whole lot of additional functionality available. Others can send you an alert before a meeting or remind you before something is due.
For many people, an app with minimal functionality is all that they need. Most basic calendar apps also connect to things like Siri, Alexa, or Google Assistant for easier integration, too.
Shared Calendar
A shared Calendar is helpful if you have a busy family or need to sync up schedules with your spouse. This is one Calendar that allows multiple people to add and edit items together.
Most people simply use a basic calendar shared across two accounts. However, there are certain apps for your smartphone that make it easier for kids and parents to work together.
In addition, some of these apps have a more family-friendly interface with bright colors and easy-to-use navigation. Some also make it easy to share tasks or chore lists with younger children via a tablet device.
Team Calendar
If you’re an entrepreneur, manager, or business owner, having a team calendar is important. This is a version of a shared Calendar that goes to multiple people on a single team all at once.
Generally, it allows for various channels based on department or project goals. Individuals on that calendar can see things like meetings, deadlines, and other essential tasks.
Team calendars are great if you have more than just a few people working together who all need to be at the same place for a single event on a pretty regular basis.
Pomodoro Timer
Have you ever heard of the Pomodoro technique? This type of smartphone app is a good idea if you have more tasks than appointments within a given day.
A Pomodoro timer allows you to decide on a task to complete, set a timer for twenty-five minutes of uninterrupted work, and then take a break for another five minutes. The theory behind it is that you’ll be more productive if you work in segmented blocks.
There are a lot of great Pomodoro calendar apps out there. Some even integrate with a primary calendar or time tracker for better scheduling.
Kanban Board
Another great way to keep track of tasks is with a Kanban board app. Those who tend to be more visually focused generally love this idea, which essentially stacks tasks into visual cards within columns.
If you have numerous tasks to complete daily or are working on a series of projects, a Kanban board is a great way to stay more efficient and organized.
Those familiar with the Trello app already know the benefits of working with this type of smartphone organization tool, as it is one of the more widely used Kanban board programs.
Time Tracker
Those looking to see how long they spend on a specific task will love having a time tracker app. This type of smartphone app allows you to set a timer on how long you spend doing a particular activity.
Those who are self-employed or freelance should use this type of app for better productivity, even if you bill by the project basis. When you know how long a specific task should take you, then you can accurately quote or estimate future projects more appropriately for the actual amount of time spent.
Meeting Scheduler
Do you regularly schedule appointments or calls with clients? If so, you might enjoy a meeting scheduler app. This type of app usually integrates with a website or offers a unique link where others can schedule specific meetings with you for a set day or time.
Usually, you have the option of blocking out certain days of the week or times in the day to keep others from adding calendar events at those times. This type of smartphone app is beneficial for consultants.
Project Management Tool
If you’re constantly trying to figure out the best way to use your time efficiently, you might consider adding a project management tool to your smartphone. Project management apps take a basic calendar and add tons more functionality, including billing, team task tracking, Kanban boards, and more.
Wrap Up: Choosing the Right Calendar App for Your Smartphone
Are you looking to improve productivity and increase time efficiency in your business or personal life? Trying out any of these smartphone calendar apps is a good place to start.
After all, you can make better decisions moving forward when you know how you’re spending your time.
Image Credit: Brett Jordan; Pexels; Thank you!
Abby Miller
Student at UC Berkeley, currently working on a degree in Electrical Engineering/Computer Sciences and Business Administration. Experienced in CSX, productivity management, and chatbot implementation.