Visualizations have become a bigger part of today’s business culture than ever before. Tips from Visualization Boards give us clues showing that visualization turns the brain on to every other idea of success. Why would visualization today be able to put you on track for the tomorrow of your dreams?
A better way to say this may be: visualize and schedule today and tomorrow and all of your days, so that you can be on track for all your tomorrows.
The power of visualizing.
When you can see your day before you in a visual, you have likely made a plan first. You’ll be more likely to carry through with the plan because after you made the plan, you looked at it, even if only in your minds eye. Now you have the intention to complete your plan.
These types of techniques with visualizing your today’s and tomorrow’s have been used for centuries by the great thinkers and philosophers. The visualizations were used in order to obtain their desired outcomes in life. In the past these outcomes have been seen as brilliant and sometimes even superhuman.
We know that great painters and creators have been visualizers because we see the works of their hands. Those works we see are a direct result of something the artist saw first. We get to witness the beauty that was initially in that person’s mind.
How did the greats get there? How did they arrive?
I love Leonardo da Vinci. He had great conflict in his mind and life without the resolutions that he would have chosen for himself. Yet he powered on through difficult events in his life — and he survived a lot of things through his minds vision. A great Leonardo da Vinci quote:
When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.
You don’t write a quote down like that — especially in the 1400’s — without visualization. This man, zooming along through this thing we call life, looked and visualized his next step. He wrote down his goals, and so should you.
The beauty created by business is no less beautiful than those created by the arts.
The point is not that business and da Vinci are on the same playing field, or platform as the case may be. You would not want to try and compare these two — da Vinci and business. It’s a horrible and vulgar comparison — so let me continue with it.
If there hasn’t comes a time yet, you may look at your business one day and say, “I want to leave something of value and beauty.” If this is you, and you have deep feelings about where you want to go and where you want to be — you will want to get something on the books today.
You will want to visualize where you are going and spend a little time each day thinking.
The only way to actually complete this exercise is to schedule it in on your calendar. Everyone knows this — and you do too — so do it. Stick it on your calendar. Visualize? Thinking? Too much for you? Good heavens — what if someone saw “thinking” on your shared calendar? Well, they’d think you’d lost it.
But who cares how you get there? Do you need a little help here? How about using the word, “meeting” instead? You don’t have to tell anyone this meeting is with yourself, thank you very much. But in this meeting, at some point, you will actually meet yourself. You will discuss you, and you will visualize your life. You will take this visualization of you, and because of this meeting — you will have the power to make “you” happen.
Just get this very crucial meeting on your calendar, now. Preferably this meeting will occur: every-single-day-for-the-rest-of-your-life.
The great painters, musicians, creatives, forward thinkers and philosophers did three things alike.
- First, they had to have the idea come to mind. They saw it. They visualized.
- Second, they made a plan.
- Thirdly — to say this in extremely plain language — they wrote stuff down — if they could.
Da Vinci’s writing didn’t write: 1. Paint Sistine. Even Thomas Aquinas in the 1200’s didn’t hop out of bed one morning and write: 1. Write down theory on natural law. 2. Influence western philosophy.
When speaking about: visualize today to be on track tomorrow — it’s talking about more than goal setting.
Though, goal setting has to be an integral part of the process. You’ll do as all of the greats have done in the past. You’ll visualize your day, make the plan and write the plan on your calendar. This process will allow you to accomplish what really matters to you.
The coming of a new year is a great time to set these goals. Do not — please — just don’t. Don’t call this plan: new year’s resolutions. Nothing would set you up for failure more quickly than that — and you are rising above any failure.
For your long term planning and visualization, take as much time as you need — because this is a work in progress. As your ideas begin to flow in the “meetings” you have each day with yourself, you’ll add those thoughts and goals to your regular goals and efforts. Keep adding to your visualization calendar — because you will need many steps to get there.
Your daily planing and calendaring will begin to reflect the steps you’ll take to get you where you’re going.
As you visualize what your tomorrow’s are going to look like you will want to begin to add the step by step “how-to’s” to your daily working calendar. Divide-up your long-term plan into bite sized pieces. You may want to keep these thoughts and “work-in-progress on a different calendar.
Generally speaking, if these steps are not merged together in one place, into your daily life and calendar, you won’t arrive. You don’t have the time and space in your mind or life to visualize, focus and perform in two separate lives. You will want to visualize, schedule and live in one life with the plan laid out in steps. Visualize it, make the plan, write it down in steps — and go for your tomorrow, today.
Deanna Ritchie
Editor-in-Chief at Calendar. Former Editor-in-Chief and writer at Startup Grind. Freelance editor at Entrepreneur.com. Deanna loves to help build startups, and guide them to discover the business value of their online content and social media marketing.