At the time Industries of the Future by Alec Ross was written in 2016, there were 1.4M global robots. Japan, China, the US, Germany. South Korea lead the charge with 70 percent of sales, and these five countries, as well as others around the world, are ramping up production of automative bots.
As robots begin to become commonplace, they will be seen more universally in everyday life: from restaurants to grocery stores to sporting events.
They will also begin to emerge in personal lives for the benefits that they can add to the individual from day to day.
Here are 7 examples of how you can use robots now, and in the future, to deal with your daily tasks and communication:
1. Managing your house.
Robots can be extremely useful for managing your home. They can take control of the entire electric unit and turn lights on or off on your command. They can clean your house, use vacuum cleaners and each reach to the most challenging of spots in your home.
Robots can make sure your roof isn’t leaking and that there aren’t cockroaches in your pantry. They even have the capability to help manage and water your garden.
With all of these tasks out of the way, you can be a happier and more productive homeowner.
2. Smaller chores.
Robots can also be extremely helpful with smaller chores. They have the capability to carry your groceries and unpack them. They can walk your dog — if you don’t want to, of course — help move furniture and handle many other small tasks.
Although no individual chore seems like much, when adding them all up, having a machine around to help will save significant time.
3. Keeping yourself healthy.
Robots can be great personal trainers, nutritionists, and monitors of your health. For one, they can cook your meals. This is great for when you do not have the time or energy to do it yourself. Instead of eating something unhealthy, a robot can make nutritious meals that will both be tasty and satisfy your micro-nutrient needs.
They can also monitor your health. With the increasing connectivity today, a robot could read in information from your Apple Watch, for example, and use it to give you actionable advice to stay more fit. They can even serve as personal trainers, pushing you to workout from the comfort of your home.
Additionally, robots can monitor your medicine intake. They can make sure you are getting your daily supplements and medication without you having to worry.
4. Managing your schedule and calendar.
Although an AI can mostly do this by itself — having a robot helps for a few reasons. First off, robots can add a layer that seems like a human touch to your schedule and calendar. They can talk on the phone to schedule meetings and give more of a personalized feel than an AI. Plus, they can communicate that information to you easily and quickly.
This will allow you to spend more time on your daily activities and less on planning them.
5. Keeping you (or others in your house) entertained.
Robots can perform all sorts of tricks and are becoming increasingly better at entertainment. This is applicable in a handful of different situations. When you are looking for something to do for the 15 minutes before your wife comes home, for example, you can ask your robot to entertain you.
As they get to know you better, they will know exactly what types of performances you like. The robot can even mix it up for you with music, jokes, news — stories — lies — whatever you like to hear.
They can also help keep your children or guests entertained in the same manner.
Having this constant source of entertainment is a huge bonus anytime you are either feeling down or lacking something…
6. They can keep you safe.
A robot in your home is a great way to stay secure. They can automatically tell when someone has stepped on the premise and alert you. They can be programed to mimic a safety device — all keeping you safer in the case of a burglary attempt.
This will get rid of the constant beeping whenever someone walks into your house. Instead, you can eliminate your security concerns and put them on the shoulder of your robot.
7. Your on-demand personal assistant.
Robots can serve as an instantaneous personal assistant. When you have a question — like who won that basketball game yesterday or even what is the latest in US — China financials — what’s happening today with blockchain — well you can ask your bot all of these questions with quick replies.
This is much more effective than something like Siri. A robot is easier to access when it can be with you wherever you go. Plus the questions that you ask can be increasingly complex, maybe even involving a few minutes of research.
Outside of just questions, this personal assistant can run out to make sure you closed your garage door. Did you lock up? Turn the iron off?They can send your spouse a text to have a good day and many other things.
As norms change, we will be seeing robots more and more.
Over the next few years, robot production will become cheaper, and they will begin to integrate more fully into everyday life.
This is quite likely because of the variety of different purposes these bots can serve us, as mentioned above. Many of the bots can help you live a more productive and efficient lifestyle which will free up time to do more of what you love most.
Abby Miller
Student at UC Berkeley, currently working on a degree in Electrical Engineering/Computer Sciences and Business Administration. Experienced in CSX, productivity management, and chatbot implementation.