Staying productive can seem challenging in today’s world of distractions, endless tasks, and to-do lists. In recent years, countless productivity techniques have emerged, all promising to revolutionize time management. One method, however, has stood the test of time and remains as effective today as it was over a century ago: the Ivy Lee Method.

For anyone seeking to boost efficiency and gain control of their workday with simplicity and clarity, the Ivy Lee Method is a cornerstone. As part of this blog post, we’ll explore the Ivy Lee Method and its history, explain why it’s effective, and provide practical tips for implementing it.

What is the Ivy Lee Method?

The Ivy Lee Method is a straightforward yet highly effective approach to productivity. It involves identifying and focusing on the most important tasks for the day, which can lead to success.

Conceptually, the idea is quite simple. Each night, write down the six most important tasks you need to accomplish the next day in order of priority. On the following day, begin working on the first task, and don’t move on to the next one until you’ve completed the first.

To further explain this, here’s a step-by-step breakdown of the Ivy Lee Method;

Clearly define your goals.

Setting clear and attainable goals is at the heart of the Ivy Lee Method. As such, whenever you finish a day, take some time to consider your upcoming priorities. What are the most important tasks? In terms of your overall goals, what will have the biggest impact? The more clearly you define your goals, the better your roadmap will be for your future.

Create a selective list.

Once you have identified your goals, you will need to create a list of specific tasks to accomplish them. However, you need to limit yourself to six items. Initially, this might seem restrictive. By focusing on a smaller number of tasks, though, you can give each one the attention it deserves.

Prioritize your tasks.

Once you have a list of tasks, prioritize them in order of importance. Work your way down from the most critical task to the least critical one. This will ensure that you’re spending your time on activities that yield the best results.

Focus on the first task.

Get your day started by taking care of your most important task. Don’t multitask or get distracted. Give this task your full attention until it’s complete. With a focused approach, you’ll avoid procrastination and maintain your momentum.

Progress sequentially.

Once you’ve completed the first task, move on to the second. Working through your list sequentially will help you keep track of your progress. To stay focused, take short breaks to recharge your batteries.

Rinse and repeat.

Daily practice is part of the Ivy Lee Method. Every evening, review your accomplishments and plan the next day’s activities. Repeat the steps outlined above to maintain your productivity and attain your goals.

In the end, what makes The Ivy Lee Method so powerful is that it is simple, can be implemented by anyone, and is followed consistently.

The Origins of the Ivy Lee Method

During the early 20th century, Ivy Ledbetter Lee was credited with revolutionizing business consulting with his innovative approach. Specifically, working for industrial giants like Standard Oil solidified his reputation as a visionary.

In 1918, steel magnate Charles Schwab approached Lee for advice about maximizing Bethlehem Steel Corporation’s productivity. As one of the world’s wealthiest people, Schwab was eager for a solution.

Lee proposed a simple and effective methodology, “Give me 15 minutes alone with each of your top managers.” In these brief meetings, Lee described his productivity technique. Schwab was intrigued by the straightforward approach and agreed to give it a try.

Schwab was surprised at the results. Within three months, the team’s productivity had increased significantly. After seeing the method’s effectiveness, Schwab gave Lee a check for $25,000 — a testament to the value he placed on Lee’s advice. As a simple and effective productivity tool, Lee’s method, now known as the Ivy Lee Method, has since become increasingly popular.

Why Does the Ivy Lee Method Work?

Ivy Lee’s method appears simple at first glance, but it relies on several psychological and practical principles to achieve its effectiveness:

  • Clarity and focus. With only six tasks to complete, the Ivy Lee Method forces you to prioritize. By doing so, you prevent yourself from spreading yourself too thin and focus on high-priority activities.
  • Elimination of decision fatigue. Over time, your quality of decisions can decline due to decision fatigue. With the Ivy Lee Method, you choose and prioritize tasks the day before, saving you from deciding what to do first thing in the morning.
  • Encourages single-tasking over multitasking. Using this method, you must complete one task before moving on to the next. This prevents you from multitasking, which reduces efficiency and increases errors. By doing only one thing at a time, you can maintain a higher level of focus and produce better results.
  • Daily momentum and a sense of accomplishment. When you start each day with a plan and a clear path forward, you create momentum, which makes it easier to stay on track. In addition to boosting motivation and productivity, checking off tasks makes you feel accomplished.
  • Builds a habit of planning and reflection. As part of the Ivy Lee Method, you plan for the next day so that you develop a habit of reflecting on your daily progress and adjusting your goals accordingly. By following the daily planning ritual, you’ll ensure that you’re always focused on what’s important.

How to Implement the Ivy Lee Method in Your Own Life

While implementing the Ivy Lee Method is straightforward, its success depends on consistency. To help you get started and make the most of this method, here are some tips:

  • Start small. Don’t feel overwhelmed by six tasks; start with three or four. As you become more comfortable, increase the number of tasks.
  • Don’t forget to be realistic with your goals. Rather than creating an overwhelming list, the Ivy Lee Method focuses on what can be reasonably accomplished. So, consider the time constraints of your day when selecting tasks.
  • Prioritize effectively. It’s essential to distinguish urgent from important tasks. While urgent tasks require immediate attention, they may not contribute much to your long-term goals. Keep your core objectives in mind when prioritizing tasks.
  • Minimize distractions. The Ivy Lee Method produces the best results when you concentrate entirely on one task at a time. Shut off notifications, close unnecessary tabs, and schedule specific times for each task.
  • Adapt and evolve. Despite the structured approach provided by the Ivy Lee Method, it is vital to remain flexible. You can adjust the number of tasks or add subtasks to suit your needs. It’s okay to accomplish only four tasks on some days if you find prioritization and focused effort the most important.
  • Support the method with tools. While keeping track of your list with a pen and paper is sufficient, you can also use digital tools like Trello, Todoist, or Microsoft To Do.
  • Reward yourself. To stay motivated, celebrate your accomplishments with a small reward.
  • Experiment and refine. The Ivy Lee Method is helpful as a starting point. However, trying different approaches will help you determine what works best.

The Ivy Lee Method Beyond Work

Even though the Ivy Lee Method was developed for business productivity, it has been proven to be just as effective for personal productivity. In addition to helping you stay organized, the Ivy Lee Method allows you to focus on what really matters in your life. For instance, it can help you manage household chores, to plan personal projects, or to balance multiple responsibilities.

For example, if you’re planning a weekend renovation project, you can use the method to identify the six key steps you need to complete, prioritize them, and complete them individually. Similarly, if you’re a student, you can list your six most important assignments or study goals for the next day and approach them systematically.

Final Thoughts

The Ivy Lee Method’s elegance and simplicity have made it a go-to productivity technique for over a century. Besides providing clarity, it eliminates decision fatigue and keeps you focused on what’s important. Even though it’s not a magic solution for every productivity challenge, its structured approach can help you make meaningful progress.

Whether you are a busy executive, an entrepreneur, or just someone trying to manage the demands of daily life, the Ivy Lee Method can help you cut through the noise and achieve more. If you try it, you might find that this century-old method can transform your productivity.

Image Credit: cottonbro studio; Pexels