The Advantages of Having a Paper Calendar


Friday, February 17th, 2023

The Advantages of Having a Paper Calendar

Paper calendars have a long and rich history. In fact, one of the earliest calendars on paper is the Chronography of 354. As early as the fourth century, Furius Dionysius Folocalus was commissioned by Valentinus to draw and write the calendar (as they knew it). To this day, paper calendars are still used. But, due […]

Why Written Calendars Fail and What To Do Instead


Friday, September 4th, 2020

Why Written Calendars Fail and What To Do Instead

I’m one of those people who love having a written calendar. I enjoy writing things down, color coding my schedule and physically checking off my to-do list. Each year I get excited to shop around for the planner that I’m going to buy. There’s only one issue I have with written calendars. They often fail. […]

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