For The Win: Gamification in the Workplace


Monday, September 27th, 2021

For The Win: Gamification in the Workplace

Gamification became more common in 2010 when it became more specifically associated with the integrating of social/reward elements of games into software. Since then, businesses have been developing gamification platforms, and marketers are employing game elements within their marketing campaigns. An FYI about the concept — it originated in 1896 with S&H Green Stamps, where […]

Running Competitions in the Workplace for Fun and Profit

Business Tips

Tuesday, March 30th, 2021

Running Competitions in the Workplace for Fun and Profit

As you begin to open up your office after all this COVID stuff — you’ll be looking for a way to get your team motivated. Try running a competition in the workplace. A friendly contest helps make work fun and will spur your business forward, leading to higher efficiency and increased profits. Not all contests […]

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