Most offices are inherently unproductive, or at least aren’t achieving their full productive potential. This isn’t the fault of any one person, nor is it immediately noticeable. In fact, many office managers and entrepreneurs believe their office is running smoothly. When in fact, many hours are being wasted on unproductive tasks. Time is your most […]
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When you enter the workforce, few days become nearly as exciting as payday. While it feels good to get paid for your hard work, you only get paid for the results you produce when you have a business. Hourly and salaried employees are often guaranteed pay even if they had a few days that weren’t […]
Do you feel like you never have enough time in a day? Are deadlines constantly sneaking-up on you? Do you have a reputation for double-booking appointments? This has happened to all of us at one time or another. Instead of continuing to live this way — it’s time to learn how to manage your time […]
You’ve had a brilliant idea for a business for some time now. It keeps nagging at you so much that you finally decide to take the leap and pursue it. The thing is — you can’t leave your full-time job just yet. After all, you have bills to pay and you’re still in the early […]
Never underestimate the power of time management. Without it, you’ll miss deadlines, deliver sub-par work, gain a bad reputation, increase your stress levels, and fail to achieve a work-life balance. But, isn’t time management a personal responsibility? As a leader, you’re in charge of getting your team to do their best work promptly. So, time […]
Do you ever feel like a slave to your to-do list? If your list is a mile long each day, you’re likely not alone. Crossing items off your to-do list can give you a feeling of accomplishment. However, it’s inevitable that more and more items will be added afterward allowing you to feel under pressure […]
I recently spotted a Gallup poll that reported that 41 percent of Americans feel that they don’t have enough time to do everything they want to do. From the CEO to any employee, to the stay at home mom/dad — if you don’t feel you have enough time to get all of your things done […]
Through outsourcing, you can pay other people to do tasks that would otherwise bog you down. If you had sufficient funds, you could hypothetically pay people to do anything, ultimately handling all your responsibilities so you could do whatever you want—but of course, when you start a business, your funds will likely be limited. On […]
Are you in awe at those people who manage to get a ton accomplished each day? They must posses some sort of superpower, right? Believe or not, they’ve actually mastered several simple habits that you too can start using, such as the following nine habits. Not only will you be more productive, you’ll also be […]
From social media to email and the internet, thanks to all of today’s distractions, it can be difficult to get your mind to settle down and focus on a task at-hand. Luckily, with a few simple tricks, you’ll be well on your way to developing laser-like focus. While getting enough sleep and drinking coffee might […]