How Much Time Should You Invest in Networking?

Business Tips

Thursday, April 12th, 2018

How Much Time Should You Invest in Networking?

I’m at a Starbucks with a colleague as I write this piece. As we’re sitting here working, she’s telling me about how she just went into business for herself full-time. She knows that networking is a part of a successful business, but she’s wondering how much time she should invest in networking. This is a […]

Why Stress Management and Time Management Go Hand in Hand

Time Management

Wednesday, April 11th, 2018

Why Stress Management and Time Management Go Hand in Hand

No matter who you are and what you do you will experience stress at some point in your life.  Unfortunately there are people who tend to experience more stress than others. For instance, those who choose highly demanding careers often undergo more stress than the average person. Some of those careers include air traffic controllers, […]

4 Ways to Keep Your Inbox Organized

Business Tips, Productivity

Tuesday, April 3rd, 2018

4 Ways to Keep Your Inbox Organized

I have a confession to make. I am the worst at keeping my inbox organized. Seriously, I’m a mess. If not for the virtual assistant I had for many years, I would have never been able to find anything. That being said, that assistant moved on and I’m in the process of bringing on a […]

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