How to Budget Your Time Like You Budget Money

Time Management

Monday, August 6th, 2018

How to Budget Your Time Like You Budget Money

Lots of people spend time coming up with budgets so they can improve their finances. Then they spend additional time tracking their finances and comparing everything to their budget. After that, they may tweak one or the other, and sometimes both, as they balance their spending and income. If you’re one of them, I commend […]

7 Tips to Combat Time Passage Awareness Disorder

Time Management

Friday, August 3rd, 2018

7 Tips to Combat Time Passage Awareness Disorder

Most people quite literally live by a clock. We eat, sleep, work, and play according to the passage of time. Clocks tell us when to get up in the morning and what time to get to work or school. Our awareness of time starts at a young age. Parents put their toddlers in time out […]

How to Go from Always Behind to On Time

Time Management

Friday, July 6th, 2018

How to Go from Always Behind to On Time

Have you ever noticed that the clock seems to tick along faster when you’re late? Of course, we all know that really isn’t the case because time is a constant. Regardless, when you’re always running behind you might almost wish for time to stand still. Since that isn’t possible the other option is to change […]

How to Teach Kids the Value of Time

Time Management

Friday, June 8th, 2018

How to Teach Kids the Value of Time

School children are taught how to tell time somewhere between the ages of 6 and 8. But simply teaching them to tell time doesn’t give them understanding of the value of time. Sure, from the time they are walking we teach them to hurry so we aren’t late. They learn that school, church, sports events, […]

How to Bootstrap a Six-Figure Business

Business Tips

Thursday, June 7th, 2018

How to Bootstrap a Six-Figure Business

I recently achieved a major goal I set for myself many years ago – to have a six-figure business by 30. I accomplished this without taking on debt and without using other people’s money. Although using other people’s money would be nice, it’s not a route I want because I want complete control of my […]

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