Batching Like a Boss: How to Save Time and Reduce Stress


Friday, July 19th, 2024

Batching Like a Boss: How to Save Time and Reduce Stress

The idea of batching comes from the world of computing. Computers can process large groups of similar tasks efficiently, one after another, without constantly requiring user intervention. That’s all, good, but how does this relate to your daily life? In order for batching to be effective for personal productivity, we must start tasks correctly. For […]

Student Survival Guide to Time Management and Stress Reduction

Time Management

Tuesday, March 19th, 2024

Student Survival Guide to Time Management and Stress Reduction

Time management may seem impossible to students. As a student, your days are crammed with classes, assignments, extracurricular activities, and social commitments. No wonder this is a daily struggle. “Balancing all of those things is challenging,” said 2024 Massachusetts School Counselor of the Year Colin Moge, “and I think sometimes we’re so far removed from […]

The Pressure to be Productive: Understanding and Overcoming Productivity Anxiety


Friday, January 26th, 2024

The Pressure to be Productive: Understanding and Overcoming Productivity Anxiety

In today’s hyper-connected, achievement-driven world, it’s easy to fall victim to productivity anxiety. After all, it seems like we constantly spend our days hustling and tackling an endless to-do-list. The question is, what happens when our relentless pursuit of productivity starts to affect our well-being? Productivity anxiety is a real thing, characterized by the need […]

How Your Calendar Can Help You Relax


Friday, July 28th, 2023

How Your Calendar Can Help You Relax

In today’s fast-paced world, stress is an inevitable companion. After all, countless responsibilities, work commitments, and social commitments make it challenging to find time to relax. One poll found that 47% of Americans report feeling relaxed for less than 40 minutes a day when asked about their self-care habits. Imagine if I told you that […]

How to Reduce Workload and Avoid Stress at Work


Monday, October 10th, 2022

How to Reduce Workload and Avoid Stress at Work

Imagine it’s Friday night, and everyone except you has gone home. Despite being exhausted, you keep telling yourself, “30 more minutes.” Suddenly, two more hours have passed, and you’ve put in a 10-hour day. What a way to kick off the weekend, right? There is a good chance that you have experienced work overload if […]

Reduce Stress by Reducing Procrastination

Business Tips

Thursday, April 7th, 2022

Reduce Stress by Reducing Procrastination

Everyone is told time and time again that stress is bad for you. Unchecked stress can lead to many physical health issues. The month of April is dedicated to stress awareness. How are you handling your stress these days? We all know that stress can cause issues like high blood pressure, obesity, and even heart […]

18 Ways to De-stress at Your Desk


Monday, April 4th, 2022

18 Ways to De-stress at Your Desk

Did you know that April is Stress Awareness Month? Why would stress awareness be so important that an entire month is dedicated to its understanding? Well, nearly 8 in 10 Americans feel stressed weekly. Specifically, many studies have shown that job stress is by far the most common source of stress for American adults and […]

12 Holiday Stress Busters


Wednesday, December 8th, 2021

12 Holiday Stress Busters

Even though the holiday season is often proclaimed as “the most wonderful time of the year,” there are many reasons why you may not be feeling festive. You might feel overwhelmed by a cluttered social calendar, work deadlines, financial concerns, reflecting on a loved one’s passing, or dreary winter days. And, in some cases, this […]

Just Start — Reducing Anxiety


Tuesday, August 17th, 2021

Just Start — Reducing Anxiety

Did you know that anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S.? In fact, anxiety affects 40 million adults in the United States each year, aged 18 and older. Or, to put it another way, 18.1% of the population each year. And, the COVID-19 pandemic has only further impacted our mental health. […]

8 Time Management Tips for Teens

Time Management

Saturday, March 13th, 2021

8 Time Management Tips for Teens

As a whole, we’re a stressed-out nation. In fact, Gallup reported that 55 percent of Americans are stressed-out during the day. That’s actually 20 percent higher than the global average — I’d suspect that stress has skyrocketed since the pandemic. While stress is a normal emotion, when not addressed, there can be serious repercussions. Stress […]

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