Think Done Instead of Perfect


Tuesday, March 3rd, 2020

Think Done Instead of Perfect

Back in college, I had a professor who accused me of just “sailing by.” What she meant was that I wasn’t really applying myself and that I was doing the bare minimum to graduate. In a way, she was right. But, that’s because I adopted a philosophy that I still adhere to today — done […]

Procrastination Means Managing Your Emotions, Not Your Time


Thursday, February 20th, 2020

Procrastination Means Managing Your Emotions, Not Your Time

Procrastination is something that we’ve all had to overcome at one point or another. And, while it can have negative effects like missing deadlines and fracturing relationships, procrastination is often misunderstood. There is a myth that says that delays are entirely your decision because you’re lazy. While sometimes, there are external factors that cause a […]

What are Your Top Productivity Strategies?


Monday, February 17th, 2020

What are Your Top Productivity Strategies?

When you think about it, most things in life are subjective. Your favorite color, food, band, or movie? They are your personal favorites — no matter what anyone else says. In other words, there’s no right or wrong answer. In a way, the same is true of productivity strategies. What makes a top productivity strategy […]

Get More Done with These 20 Productivity Apps


Friday, February 7th, 2020

Get More Done with These 20 Productivity Apps

Do you want to get more done in a day? We all do. But, instead of solely relying on self-discipline and secrets to boost your productivity, why not get an assist with the following 20 productivity apps. 1. Calendar How many hours have you wasted trying to schedule an appointment with a prospective client or […]

Think Differently About Productivity


Tuesday, February 4th, 2020

Think Differently About Productivity

Everyone wants to be more productive. Or, at least that’s what I believe. I mean, who wouldn’t want to get more done in less time? But, what if I told you that everything you’ve read about increasing your productivity is all wrong? Here is how to think differently about productivity. That’s not to say that […]

Getting Started Should be Top Strategy on Your List


Tuesday, January 28th, 2020

Getting Started Should be Top Strategy on Your List

“You don’t have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great.” I may be late to the party. But I recently came across that quote from Les Brown. And I’m hooked. Think about everything you want to accomplish in your life. You need to take that first step […]

15 Productivity Hacks to Get More Done Each Day


Friday, July 5th, 2019

15 Productivity Hacks to Get More Done Each Day

In an ideal world, you world breeze through your to-do’s and still have time to do everything you enjoy. Unfortunately, many of us come home from working feeling discouraged because we wish that we could have gotten more done. Instead of beating yourself up for not getting enough done in 2020, start using these 15 […]

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