3 Ways Technology Is Building Efficient Teams Amidst Staff Shortages

Productivity, Time Management

Thursday, January 12th, 2023

3 Ways Technology Is Building Efficient Teams Amidst Staff Shortages

With staff shortages affecting every sector, it’s more important than ever for businesses to invest in technology that supports their employees and makes it easier for teams to do more with less. As worker shortages affect companies in every sector, many businesses are turning to technology to increase efficiency. Chatbots, specialized software platforms and automation […]

How to Provide Continuing Education for Your Freelancers


Monday, December 27th, 2021

How to Provide Continuing Education for Your Freelancers

After high school, I wasn’t sure which path I would take career-wise. So, I bounced between several different jobs until I figured things. But, I was actually let go of one job because I expressed an interest in going back to school. Did that mean I was ready to pack up and leave for a […]

How to Empower Your Team Through Data


Tuesday, April 7th, 2020

How to Empower Your Team Through Data

Empowerment defined is the “authority or power given to someone to do something.” The explanation may not sound all that important. But, for your team, empowerment is vital. Here is how to empower your team through data. As noted by The Wharton School, empowering your team creates a toxic-free environment where micromanagement is discouraged. It […]

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