Work Smarter, Not Harder: The Not-To-Do List Advantage


Wednesday, February 19th, 2025

Work Smarter, Not Harder: The Not-To-Do List Advantage

We’re all searching for that magic bullet when it comes to productivity—you know, the one thing that will make us efficient superheroes who can conquer any to-do list. But what if I told you the secret isn’t about adding more to your plate but taking things off? Think about it for a moment. What percentage of […]

Slow Down to Speed Up: Unveiling the Power of Slow Productivity


Tuesday, June 25th, 2024

Slow Down to Speed Up: Unveiling the Power of Slow Productivity

Even if you prioritize self-care and use productivity hacks, do you ever feel constantly busy, drained, and distracted? You’re not alone. Most people experience this, especially those whose jobs involve a lot of thinking and information, such as engineers, accountants, marketers, and academics (often called knowledge workers). However, anyone who spends a lot of time […]

Want To Be Productive? Take It Slow


Friday, November 11th, 2022

Want To Be Productive? Take It Slow

We used to think being busy was a badge of honor. In fact, this was the central tenant of the never-stop hustle culture. If you work hard, not only will you get things done, but you’ll also become wealthy. There is, however, a downside to this mindset. When all other aspects of your life suffer, […]

Are You Addicted to Productivity?


Monday, October 4th, 2021

Are You Addicted to Productivity?

“It’s great to be productive. It really is. But sometimes, we chase productivity so much that it makes us, well, unproductive. It’s easy to read a lot about how to be more productive, but don’t forget that you have to make that time up.” Matt Cutts wrote that back in 2013 — “Today, search for […]

Beware of Toxic Productivity


Friday, February 19th, 2021

Beware of Toxic Productivity

It may seem like a modern concept — but we’ve been striving for productivity for centuries. For example, one of the earliest mentions of productivity can be found in the classic economics text Wealth of Nations, written by Adam Smith in 1776. What’s more, Benjamin Franklin came up with the first to-do-list in 1791. Even the […]

Work Shouldn’t Always Be Your First Priority


Wednesday, December 30th, 2020

Work Shouldn’t Always Be Your First Priority

If it were any other year, it probably wouldn’t have happened. But, 2020 was an exceptionally remarkable year. As such, I decided to reach out to a long-lost friend. I never wished any ill-will upon this person. I concluded several years ago that it was best to distance myself from him. On my part, I […]

Can You Actually Get More in Less Time? Yes. You Can.


Thursday, December 17th, 2020

Can You Actually Get More in Less Time? Yes. You Can.

We have a tendency to believe that we must be productive every waking moment of the day. I’m sure you’ve found yourself immediately responding to emails as soon as you turn your alarm off in the morning. After that, you’re getting ready for the day, put in ten hours at work, cook dinner, and then […]

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