How Zero-Party Data Can Help You Build Lasting Customer Relationships

Business Tips, Marketing

Friday, July 26th, 2024

How Zero-Party Data Can Help You Build Lasting Customer Relationships

Consumers aren’t satisfied to simply buy products from companies anymore and just walk away. They crave deeper, more meaningful customer relationships with the brands they choose. In other words, it’s time to start investing in your customer relationships. Building relationships with buyers is a surefire way to future-proof your business. For one, you’ll make it […]

How Data Can Help You Identify Customer Moments That Matter

Business Tips

Saturday, September 4th, 2021

How Data Can Help You Identify Customer Moments That Matter

The customer marketing and sales journey of today look almost nothing like the customer journey of the recent past. Instead, experiences are largely (but not entirely) digital, take place on multiple parallel channels, and are both more personal and less linear than ever before. As the customer journey has become more complex and increasingly digitized, […]

How to Empower Your Team Through Data


Tuesday, April 7th, 2020

How to Empower Your Team Through Data

Empowerment defined is the “authority or power given to someone to do something.” The explanation may not sound all that important. But, for your team, empowerment is vital. Here is how to empower your team through data. As noted by The Wharton School, empowering your team creates a toxic-free environment where micromanagement is discouraged. It […]

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