Banish the Boredom: 17 Tips to Prevent Gray Work


Wednesday, May 15th, 2024

Banish the Boredom: 17 Tips to Prevent Gray Work

How many times have you found yourself staring at a computer screen, diligently checking emails, attending pointless meetings, and feeling empty? It’s not just you. Many professionals suffer from “gray work”—tasks that are neither challenging nor engaging. An unfulfilling routine can drain motivation, stifle creativity, and leave you feeling burned out and unmotivated. The good […]

25 Productive Hacks and Things to Curb Your Boredom


Monday, October 19th, 2020

25 Productive Hacks and Things to Curb Your Boredom

Last weekend was cool and rainy. I was ahead of my work, and I was trapped inside. Suffice to say; I got a little restless because I was bored with a capital B. Here’s the thing though, being a little bored is not always a terrible position to be in. Research shows that boredom has […]

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