6 Things to Account for in Your Business Budget

Business Tips

Friday, May 11th, 2018

6 Things to Account for in Your Business Budget

One of my biggest pain points as a creative entrepreneur is budgets. Don’t get me wrong, apparently, I’m pretty good at managing money. The problem is I have a hard time conceptualizing what a business budget should look like. Here are some of the questions I constantly ask myself as it pertains to a business […]

How Job Swapping Can Positively Affect Your Business

Business Tips

Friday, May 11th, 2018

How Job Swapping Can Positively Affect Your Business

It’s a wonderful thing to see a business you own grow and expand. Of course, along with growth there are usually new challenges to meet as well. Try as you might it simply isn’t always within your power to fix every issue on your own. Other workers must take the initiative to resolve conflicts and […]

4 Ways to Take Back Your Time By Saying No

Business Tips

Wednesday, May 9th, 2018

4 Ways to Take Back Your Time By Saying No

There will come a time when you, as the business owner, need to start saying no.  It’s far too often than I see business owners running themselves ragged for projects that don’t make them money. Or, I see them taking deals that, quite frankly, are not fair to them. If we expect to actually make […]

3 Signs It’s Time to Fire a Client

3 Signs It’s Time to Fire a Client

A part of running a successful business is knowing when it’s time to fire a client. After all, clients who no longer work for us only get in the way of our productivity. If the client is really bad then they keep us from making money and stress us out. Lately, I’ve helped several students […]

10 Networking Tips to Help You Build Connections

Business Tips, Press

Tuesday, April 24th, 2018

10 Networking Tips to Help You Build Connections

Whether you’re heading to a networking event or an industry conference, every event you attend is an opportunity to meet new people. And very often, these new people can be beneficial to your business in one way or another. Whatever the scenario, it’s important to be prepared to meet new people, network and build new […]

Should You Schedule Social Media Posts for Your Business?

Business Tips

Friday, December 1st, 2017

Should You Schedule Social Media Posts for Your Business?

Although social media is being utilized more and more in the business world, not all businesses are using it. Those businesses may be missing out on valuable exposure which could increase their customer base. Regardless, the ones that actually do use social media may still be missing the boat. If your business is one that […]

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