Businesses are navigating through one of the most unprecedented times in recent history. After overcoming many difficulties related to Covid-19, numerous establishments are now struggling to fill positions with new hires. Having new hires ready to go for the new year comes at the same time as high levels of unemployment. So, where’s the overlap?
The ratio of open job positions to jobs being filled is at a record high. With so many potential hires, where is the disconnect? If you’re experiencing some hiring struggles of your own, here are a few things you might consider changing:
Be More Flexible
Perhaps the top thing that prospective employees are now looking for is more flexibility. During episodes of quarantine, workers saw just how feasible it was to work from home. Many workers were able to take side gigs to improve their work-life balance while still making an income. If employees don’t see those same opportunities even as Covid-19 blows over more likely to move on to greener pastures.
Becoming more flexible will not only increase your chances when it comes to hiring, but you also have a better shot at landing high-quality hires. Typically the best employees know that they can afford to prolong their job search looking for the best option. Showing that you can be flexible for them will lure them to your place of business.
Being flexible doesn’t always mean that you offer remote opportunities. Being willing to work with individual schedules, hire part-time help, and make unique accommodations is sometimes what it takes to get the best talent. This is particularly true for workers who haven’t reentered the workforce yet due to lingering concerns about the Covid-19 virus.
Review Your Compensation Package
Many former workers have concluded that they just aren’t getting paid enough for what they do. Besides, why go to work for 40 hours a week when you can get a comparable benefits package from the government while doing nothing? But, of course, that’s without even mentioning climbing inflation rates that wage increases have yet to match.
You don’t have to overpay by absurd amounts just to fill your vacant positions. However, it’s not a bad idea to take a look at your compensation package to reevaluate it. For example, how long has it been since you’ve increased your hourly wages? Are you providing fair access to insurance and retirement programs? The more improvements you can make, the more attractive your workplace will become.
Offer a Return Incentive
Some people just need a little nudge out the door to get back into the workforce. You can do your part by offering a return incentive for new hires. In addition, some exclusive offerings can get some workers out of the woodworks.
A typical example you can find is a signing bonus. Many a business trying to funnel in more job applications, a lump sum of $1,000 or so has been dangled. At the very least, this can get people thinking about applying for a job opening, whereas before, they were being more passive with their job search.
Other incentives might include your revamped benefits package, the ability to work remotely, or access to tools and software programs employees will need to perform their job to the fullest. But, again, choose incentives that fit the role you’re trying to fill that also draw in the type of employee you’re hoping to acquire.
Focus on Your Culture
Run a poll with your existing employees about your company culture. What do they like about the environment there? What aspects of the workplace could they do without? In many cases, good hires are found by word of mouth, and even your best employees might not be keen to spread the news about a job opening if they have a few gripes left unchecked.
For example, you might not have noticed a micromanagement trend seep from the top of your organization to the bottom. Of course, most employees hate being led by a micromanaging leader. But, even if the rest of the organization is up to par, the sour taste that micromanagement leaves in your mouth can make you forget about all of that some days.
Whatever problems you uncover by communicating with your team, look for a viable solution. For example, perhaps using an online calendar to better label due dates and meetings will cut down on some habits that may seem like micromanagement. In addition, by taking better care of your existing employees, not only will you draw in more talent, but your retention rates will be higher than ever.
Look to New Sources
If your usual hiring route keeps coming up empty, perhaps it’s time to try a different approach. There are multiple channels and platforms you can use to find new hires, and all of them are worth trying.
Previously you might have only relied on Facebook posts and window signs to advertise vacancies. Try a job posting website to expand your reach if that’s not working right now. Even branching out to different social media sites should better get your job postings on the map.
With Covid-19 not as prevalent an issue anymore, in-person events are another great place to go. For example, a job fair at a local college will be filled with inquisitive students who can at least fill a part-time or internship role to help your business out for the short term. Internship openings can also lead to exciting new opportunities for your business, such as an extensive onboarding process or a boosted relationship with your community.
While looking to fill roles, make decisions that will get you the best talent and retain your greatest employees. Think about the people you want to work with, and the rest of your organization will slowly fall into place.
Image Credit: Rodnae Productions; Pexels; Thank you!
John Hall
John Hall is the co-founder of Calendar a scheduling and time management app. He’s also a keynote speaker that you can book at http://www.johnhallspeaking.com.