With summer just around the corner, it’s time to escape the routine, immerse yourself in the great outdoors, soak up some sun, and make memories that will last a lifetime. Whether planning a staycation or a getaway, here are some summer activities you won’t want to miss.

These suggestions cater to different interests, ensuring everyone can find something to enjoy this summer.

The Great Outdoors

Green spaces can support an active and healthy lifestyle, reduce cancer risks, improve sleep quality, and increase life expectancy.

“Many of the benefits afforded to us by green spaces partially result from more opportunities to be active,” said Michelle Kondo, a research social scientist with the USDA Forest Service’s Northern Research Station. “Being in outdoor green spaces can increase a person’s motivation, too.”

But, that’s not all.

“There are many studies that demonstrate how spending time in nature can improve mood, lower anxiety, and improve cognition and memory,” says Mayo Clinic nurse practitioner Jodie M. Smith, APRN., C.N.P., D.N.P., M.S.N. “Making time for nature is important in order for us to maintain resiliency and promote self-care in a world that demands a lot from us.”

In that light, here are a few outdoor activities you could participate in this summer.

1. Camping trips.

Camping can be a great way to connect with nature, whether you pitch a tent in a remote location or stay at a more equipped campsite. If you prefer to stay home, you can even camp out in your backyard. You can roast marshmallows over a campfire, watch the stars, tell stories, and enjoy nature’s tranquility.

As a bonus, this gives you a chance to disconnect from technology and fight back against being “always on.”

2. Hit the trails.

Get your hiking boots on and explore the beauty of nature. Discover a trail that suits your fitness level, whether it’s a stroll through the park or a challenging trek through the mountains.

3. Bike through the countryside.

You can either bring your bike out of storage or rent one and explore quaint towns, lush farmlands, or scenic coastal paths. Let the fresh air fill your lungs as you soak up the sunshine and discover hidden treasures along the way.

4. A bike tour around town.

If you prefer, you can ride your bike around your town or city. If you do not own a bike, many places rent them out. It’s a fun and eco-friendly way to explore your hometown and get some exercise.

5. Road trips.

Hop in your car and take a road trip to discover new destinations. Consider taking a scenic route and stopping at interesting sights along the way. With a road trip, you can travel at your own pace and discover new places.

6. Rock climbing.

No matter how experienced or inexperienced you are, there are rock climbing adventures out there for you. For example, you can learn to climb ropes safely in an indoor gym. Or, you can challenge yourself on real rock faces outdoors.

7. Skydiving.

Skydiving is the ultimate leap of faith. This thrilling activity gives you a bird’s-eye view of the world and an adrenaline rush like no other.

8. Gardening projects.

Over the summer months, watch your plants blossom as you start a gardening project. Gardening is a rewarding and therapeutic activity that can enhance your home, and homecooked meals, whether you grow flowers, vegetables, or herbs.

9. Stargazing extravaganza.

For an unforgettable stargazing experience, head to a dark sky preserve. Be awestruck by the stars above by downloading a stargazing app, packing a blanket, and spending the evening under the stars.

10. Outdoor games.

In your backyard or at your local park, play classic games such as cornhole, ladder toss, and horseshoes. If you want to try something new, you can try geocaching or frisbee golf.

Water Activities

Water activities are a great way to beat the heat this summer — no matter your age. To get you started, here are some ideas to add to your summer calendar:

11. Pool party.

Bring friends and family to a splashtastic pool party, whether in your backyard or at a community pool. Take advantage of the hot weather with inflatable pool toys, your favorite summer tunes, and a refreshing dip in the pool.

12. Lake getaway.

Renting a cabin on a lake can be the perfect vacation, whether you’re swimming, boating, fishing, or simply relaxing on the dock. For an adrenaline rush, try water skiing or wakeboarding.

13. Bash at the beach.

Enjoy the beach by building sandcastles, soaking up the sun, and taking a refreshing swim. Bring a picnic basket, a frisbee, and beach balls for a fun day by the beach.

But, please. Don’t forget the sunscreen.

14. Surfing lessons.

Get out on the water and catch a wave (or at least try!) with surfing lessons. Besides giving you a great workout, this is an exciting way to experience the power of the ocean.

15. Stand-up paddleboarding (SUP).

Experience the thrill of gliding across the water on a stand-up paddleboard. Stand-up paddleboards are perfect for exploring peaceful bays, rivers, and the open ocean for the more adventurous.

16. Snorkeling or scuba diving.

Experience vibrant coral reefs and fascinating marine life while snorkeling or scuba diving. Snorkeling or scuba diving allows you to witness the extraordinary biodiversity and beauty of the underwater world. An unforgettable sense of awe and wonder is created when you explore the vibrant ecosystem, observe colorful coral formations, and meet fascinating marine creatures.

17. Spelunking.

Spelunking, or cave exploration, reveals the hidden world below the surface. You will explore underground passages, marvel at natural cave formations, and discover a hidden world.

18. Kayaking/canoeing.

Kayaking or canoeing is a great way to explore a tranquil lake or a gentle river. It’s a great way to exercise, explore nature, and maybe even see a few animals along the way.

19. White water rafting.

If you’re a thrill seeker, try white water rafting. The combination of teamwork, adrenaline, and stunning natural scenery makes it an exhilarating experience.

20. Lazy river float.

You can float down a lazy river at a water park and soak up the sun. Whether with your family or alone, this is a great way to cool off.

City Slickers’ Summer Fun

Despite what you may believe, summers in the city can be just as enjoyable as at the beach. For starters, here are some suggestions:

21. Outdoor movie night.

Throughout the summer, many cities host free outdoor movie nights. You can enjoy a night under the stars by packing a picnic basket, a cozy blanket, and some bug spray.

22. Street food festival.

A street food festival lets you experience food from all over the world. Besides sampling delicious dishes from different cultures, you can also participate in lively activities.

23. Local brewery tour and tasting.

Experience a local brewery tour and indulge your craft beer passion. Try a variety of delicious beers while learning about the brewing process. Just be responsible and ensure you have a ride home if walking isn’t an option.

24. Free summer concerts.

Many cities and towns offer free concerts in parks or outdoor venues throughout the summer. Take your picnic spread out under the open sky and listen to some live music without spending a fortune on tickets.

25. Art walk/gallery-hopping.

Take part in an art walk or gallery-hopping event to discover the local art scene. Become familiar with new artists and admire their work. Maybe you’ll even find something you like for your home.

26. Museum exhibits.

A museum is a great way to understand history, art, or science better. Many museums offer special summer exhibits that cater to all interests throughout the summer.

Embrace Your Inner Foodie: Summertime Delights

Any summer experience would not be complete without food. To tantalize your taste buds, here are some ideas:

27. Farmers market frenzy.

Stroll through your local farmers market and discover the freshest seasonal produce. Using farm-fresh ingredients, you can also make delicious meals in the kitchen.

28. BBQ bonanza.

Get your friends and family together and host a backyard barbecue. Don’t forget the refreshing side dishes and cocktails to accompany your classic burgers, hotdogs, and veggie skewers. Try out new grilling recipes, play yard games like cornhole or frisbee, and enjoy some outdoor fairy lights on warm summer nights.

29. Potlucks in the park.

Gather your neighbors or friends at a park and organize a potluck. Everyone brings a dish to share, resulting in a delicious feast with a wide variety of dishes.

30. Ice cream socials.

Another way to beat the heat is to host a homemade ice cream social at your local ice cream shop. You can try new flavors and toppings or savor classic favorites.

31. International food adventures.

Let your taste buds take you on a journey around the world! At home, cook a dish from a different culture or try a new cuisine at a local restaurant.

Unleash Your Creativity: Fun for the Artistic Spirit

It’s the perfect time of year to let your inner artist out. The following ideas may inspire you:

32. Take a creative workshop or retreat.

Writing, painting, and photography workshops and retreats are offered throughout the summer.

33. Start a creative project.

Do you have a creative project you’ve been putting off? If so, tackle it during the dog days of summer. In the summer, you’ll have the time and space to write a novel, paint a mural, or repurpose a desk because the long days and relaxed atmosphere allow you to concentrate.

34. Painting in the park or beach.

Go to a scenic spot with your paints, brushes, and canvas, and capture the beauty of nature on paper.

35. Photography challenge.

Explore your surroundings and snap some stunning summer shots using a weekly photography theme, such as “macro photography” or “capturing the sunset.”

36. DIY crafts extravaganza.

Embrace your inner crafter by making tie-dyed t-shirts, friendship bracelets, and birdhouses.

37. Travel to a new place.

Traveling to a new place can expand your horizons and inspire you. Explore the local culture, listen to the sounds, and use the experience as your muse.

38. Document your summer experiences.

Write down everything you think, feel, and see during the summer. You can also capture your memories with photos and videos. Later on, you can create new works of art with these materials.

Family Fun for All Ages

Here are some suggestions for activities that will keep your entire family entertained, no matter their age.

39. Theme park adventure.

Enjoy a thrilling adventure at a theme park with the whole family. Ride roller coasters, explore water rides, and participate in carnival games and shows. Be sure to indulge in delicious, albeit unhealthy, food, too.

40. Attend a local carnival or county fair.

At least once this summer, you should enjoy the rides and entertainment and eat cotton candy, popcorn, or something really sweet. As a kid, I loved attending the county fair with my siblings and eating funnel cake while watching the animals.

41. Backyard movie night.

Create an open-air cinema in your backyard. For a cozy movie night under the stars, hang a sheet, project a classic family movie, and pop some popcorn.

42. Go to a minor-league baseball game.

Almost every minor league park is family-friendly, and there are usually contests or giveaways. In addition, tickets are extremely affordable.

43. Join a library summer reading club.

Another option is to start your own reading club and keep a list of all the books you’ve read over the summer. This is an excellent way to foster a love of reading.

44. Volunteer as a family.

In addition to giving back to your community, you’ll create lasting memories together. Make a difference by volunteering at a local animal shelter, cleaning a park, or helping in the community.

45. Museum mania.

Learning can be fun! Children’s, science, and art museums have interactive exhibits, educational programs, and interactive exhibits to spark your child’s curiosity.

Unwind and Recharge: Activities for Relaxation and Peace

The summer isn’t just about adrenaline. You can also use this time to slow down, recharge, and reconnect with yourself. To promote relaxation, try these ideas:

46. Take a nap.

There are times when taking a nap is the best way to relax. Plus, an afternoon nap can enhance your mood and boost your energy.

47. Outdoor yoga.

Enjoy the fresh air while practicing yoga outdoors. Take your mat to a local park or class, or spread it out in your own backyard.

48. Hammock paradise.

You can hang a hammock in your backyard, between two trees in a park, or even on your porch. Let the breeze gently sway you while you read a good book or simply listen to nature’s sounds.

49. Meditation by the water.

Find a calm spot near a lake, river, or ocean. Let your worries melt away as you listen to the waves and feel the sun on your skin.

50. Spa day at home.

DIY spa days are a great way to pamper yourself. Put on a face mask, take a warm bath, light scented candles, and let your stress go.


Remember that these are just a few suggestions to help you get started. During the summer, there are countless ways to enjoy the weather. However, you can create a memorable summer calendar by considering your interests, your budget, and your company.


I want to make the most of my summer. Any tips for planning my activities?

Planning your summer activities can be easy if you follow these tips:

  • Consider your interests and budget. Do you have a favorite pastime? What is your budget?
  • Think about who you want to spend time with. Do you plan activities alone, with friends, or with your family?
  • Make a list of potential activities. Once you have a list of tasks, prioritize them and block out time in your calendar.
  • Be flexible. There will be days when you feel like relaxing and days when you are up for an adventure. If you need to change your plans, be open to it.

Is there anything fun to do in June?

  • Take a scenic hike or bike ride.
  • Pack a delicious picnic basket for a relaxing afternoon and head to your favorite park.
  • Take advantage of the bounty of summer produce at your local farmers market.
  • Enjoy a refreshing swim at the beach or in the pool.
  • Visit an amusement park for a thrilling day of roller coasters and carnival games.

What are some fun things to do in July?

  • Independence Day is a time to celebrate with fireworks, sparklers, and festive cookouts.
  • Enjoy the beauty of nature while camping under the stars.
  • Roast marshmallows and share stories around a crackling bonfire with friends and family.
  • Attend a summer concert or festival to get immersed in music.
  • Experience new adventures on a road trip.

How can I spend my August?

  • Observe the Milky Way during an evening stroll.
  • Have a water balloon fight with friends or family to cool down on a hot summer day.
  • Explore the local trails and reconnect with nature on a refreshing hike.
  • Lie on a beach towel and enjoy the warm summer sun with a good book.
  • End a hot summer day with a delicious ice cream sundae.

How can I use my calendar to stay organized with all these activities?

You can stay on top of your summer plans in a variety of ways!

  • Schedule specific time slots for each activity.
  • Events such as social events, outdoor adventures, and relaxation time can be color-coded by category.
  • Keep track of upcoming events and deadlines by setting reminders.
  • Sync plans and collaborate with family and friends with a calendar app.

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