Must-Have Employee Productivity Tools for 2023


Monday, November 28th, 2022

Must-Have Employee Productivity Tools for 2023

It is impossible to run a business without employees. After all, they keep everything running smoothly. In short, they’re the lifeblood of your business. For your team to succeed, you must ensure that they are satisfied and equipped with the right tools. At the same time in many cases, that seems more difficult than it […]

4 Ways to Manage Elderly Home Care

Business Tips

Friday, November 4th, 2022

4 Ways to Manage Elderly Home Care

You want the very best for your elderly loved one. You want them to feel supported, cared for, and loved each and every day. Yet, caring for them is a big undertaking. Whether you’re caring for them yourself or if you’ve hired a home care provider, there is a level of commitment. You are responsible […]

How to Handle Time Management When They Don’t Work

Time Management

Wednesday, October 19th, 2022

How to Handle Time Management When They Don’t Work

The internet is full of “time management tips.” Everything from personal blogs to peer-reviewed papers provides tips on how to save stress and increase productivity. Even though some of these techniques sound great, others aren’t. As a result, the right approach will depend on the type of people, preferences, tasks, and teams involved. What’s more, […]

How Leaders Can Prevent Productivity Paranoia


Friday, October 14th, 2022

How Leaders Can Prevent Productivity Paranoia

“Quiet quitting” remains a headline-grabbing topic. But, a new alliterative term comes just in time for October’s Spooky Season: “productivity paranoia.” But what exactly is “productivity paranoia?” According to the 2022 Microsoft Work Trend Report, this is “The disconnect between how much people say they are working and how much leaders think they are working […]

12 Ways to Motivate Yourself Every Morning


Wednesday, October 12th, 2022

12 Ways to Motivate Yourself Every Morning

It’s funny how motivation works. Some days, you wake up with so much energy and inspiration that you’re ready to take on the world. Other times, it feels like you have just enough energy to crawl out of bed. Even though motivation seems random, it’s not. It takes effort to feel motivated. More specifically, it […]

How to Reduce Workload and Avoid Stress at Work


Monday, October 10th, 2022

How to Reduce Workload and Avoid Stress at Work

Imagine it’s Friday night, and everyone except you has gone home. Despite being exhausted, you keep telling yourself, “30 more minutes.” Suddenly, two more hours have passed, and you’ve put in a 10-hour day. What a way to kick off the weekend, right? There is a good chance that you have experienced work overload if […]

Change Up Your Food Routine With These Fun Techniques

Business Tips

Wednesday, September 28th, 2022

Change Up Your Food Routine With These Fun Techniques

Need a little more spice in your life? Are you tired of the same-old? That’s a common feeling people experience. But, especially after the pandemic, people realize they want more out of their lives. Your life doesn’t have to be as exciting as a dramatic soap opera. But, doing things differently or trying new things […]

How to Make Time for Fun Fall Activities

Business Tips

Thursday, September 22nd, 2022

How to Make Time for Fun Fall Activities

Guess what today is? That’s right — the first day of Fall! One of the most iconic seasons, Fall, is known for its colors, food and food routines/traditions, as well as Halloween. Who doesn’t like to step on crunchy red and yellow leaves or sip a pumpkin spice latte? The season is also known for […]

5 Tips for Waking Up Earlier

Business Tips

Friday, September 9th, 2022

5 Tips for Waking Up Earlier

Not everyone is a natural morning person. Some like to sleep in and get a few extra Z’s. Ever heard of ‘beauty sleep?’ Getting some extra rest is definitely okay unless your schedule no longer allows for it. Maybe it’s a new job, or you’re returning to school after the summer break. Whatever the reason, […]

Why Coworking Spaces are Considered Productivity Destinations for Employees

Business Tips

Thursday, September 8th, 2022

Why Coworking Spaces are Considered Productivity Destinations for Employees

Companies have been working tirelessly to enhance and improve the fluid working experience as a way to attract and retain employees in the highly competitive labor market. Coworking spaces are considered productivity destinations for employees. Throughout the workplace ecosystem, executives, team leaders, and HR managers have been working to incorporate different elements in the workplace […]

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