Seven Ways to Improve Employee Engagement for Remote Teams


Monday, July 4th, 2022

Seven Ways to Improve Employee Engagement for Remote Teams

You want to improve employee engagement, especially with your remote team — but how? The virtual office has become a lonely and quiet place recently, as more businesses are now transitioning to remote or hybrid offices. In addition, with the advent of tech-heavy software and the need for more collaborative platforms, companies are now stifled […]

Use Calendar to Prioritize Time With Your Significant Others

Business Tips

Sunday, July 3rd, 2022

Use Calendar to Prioritize Time With Your Significant Others

Working in the office and working remotely contribute to fairly different lifestyles, but both share the burden of long hours. Remote work is even more conducive to long hours because it combines work and free time settings. But work is not supposed to be your main focus in life, and you have other things to […]

Meetings Should Be Run Effectively To Be A Successful Leader

Business Tips

Friday, July 1st, 2022

Meetings Should Be Run Effectively To Be A Successful Leader

Leadership is shown in a variety of ways and locations. But, the most visible day-to-day expression is frequently how leaders conduct meetings. The criteria for leadership may not be fair and maybe unduly simple, but the fact remains that excellent leaders conduct good meetings and terrible leaders have awful meetings. Period. It all boils down […]

Time Is Money. Where Are You Spending Yours?

Time Management

Thursday, June 30th, 2022

Time Is Money. Where Are You Spending Yours?

Like so many other commodities, time is fixed. We get 24 hours daily–no more, no less. As a result, our time has great value, both figuratively and literally. That’s why the old-fashioned “time is money” remains an accurate adage even in the 21st century. In other words, every minute of time wasted could cost you […]

Getting On Track and Staying Organized as a Digital Nomad 


Wednesday, June 29th, 2022

Getting On Track and Staying Organized as a Digital Nomad 

A lot of the traditional workplace has changed throughout the last few years as the pandemic managed to disrupt nearly every aspect of our lives. Getting on track and staying organized as a digital nomad means having time management skills, staying focused, and increasing your productivity. Over time, as countries started easing travel restrictions, and […]

10 Practical Ways to Maximize Your After-Work Time


Tuesday, June 28th, 2022

10 Practical Ways to Maximize Your After-Work Time

After‌ ‌work, you probably want a relaxing, stress-free night. And that makes sense. Planning activities like reading or meditating can help relieve stress when things get tough at work. In addition, you can use this time to expand your knowledge or develop your skills. Additionally, you can engage in new experiences or pursue a passion. […]

Share Your Troubles With Your Coworkers; Boost Productivity


Sunday, June 26th, 2022

Share Your Troubles With Your Coworkers; Boost Productivity

Each of us has problems, and we all need a listening ear. ‌Maybe it’s a friend, spouse, or parent. Whatever the case, it’s nice to know that you’ve got someone you can talk to whenever you’re feeling low. Further,‌ ‌the‌ ‌boundaries between work and home have become increasingly‌ ‌‌‌entwined over the past two years. In […]

Scaling Up Your Freelancing Career to a Small Business


Saturday, June 25th, 2022

Scaling Up Your Freelancing Career to a Small Business

The gig economy has become a powerhouse of employment for nearly 59 million Americans, according to a 2021 Freelance Forward report published by the work platform Upwork. In the same breath, it’s now become more apparent than ever that working from home and freelancing is more than a side-hustle for some workers as they’re able […]

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