11 Surprising Factors that Can Affect Productivity


Wednesday, June 6th, 2018

11 Surprising Factors that Can Affect Productivity

Productivity is something many employers look for in their current staff as well as in new hires. If employees are productive it costs the business less to achieve the same results. But productivity depends on many different factors. For instance, whether or not the employee is managing time wisely can impact productivity. So can their […]

4 Ways Sleep Deprivation Hurts Productivity


Friday, April 27th, 2018

4 Ways Sleep Deprivation Hurts Productivity

It goes without saying that everyone needs to sleep in order to function. According to the Mayo Clinic, adults need an average of 7 to 9 hours each night. Unfortunately, not all of us get the proper amount of rest that our bodies need. Without adequate sleep we are shortchanging ourselves and our families. Being […]

5 Calendar Problems That Eat Your Productivity


Wednesday, April 18th, 2018

5 Calendar Problems That Eat Your Productivity

We are creatures of habit. At times bad habits, done in the name of “being too busy”, cause us to lose valuable time and productivity. While we may recognize some of these bad habits or problem areas we may not always correct them. When you’re constantly on-the-go, one problem area to concentrate on fixing is […]

How to Get Up Early By Preparing the Night Before

Business Tips

Wednesday, April 18th, 2018

How to Get Up Early By Preparing the Night Before

If you’re one of those people who has trouble waking up early, you’re certainly not alone. I’ve never been a morning person myself. In fact, it’s something that I still struggle with today. When I have a special event, like a flight or conference, I can pop right out of bed. But when it comes […]

10 Productivity Tools Every Business Owner Needs

Business Tips

Tuesday, April 17th, 2018

10 Productivity Tools Every Business Owner Needs

Being a business owner demands a diversity of different responsibilities. You’ll wear an HR hat when hiring and managing employees. Then, you’ll don a financial hat when projecting revenue. After that, you’ll put on other hats for working with clients, generating new ideas, and navigating legal issues. But, there’s one important quality that underlies all […]

4 Ways You’re Wasting Valuable Time at Work

Business Tips

Wednesday, April 11th, 2018

4 Ways You’re Wasting Valuable Time at Work

In my opinion, time is your most valuable asset. The greatest thing about time is that it’s distributed equally amongst everyone. While there are inequities in just about every other aspect in life, time will never be one of them. It’s how we spend it that makes all the difference. So are you wasting valuable […]

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