It wasn’t that long ago when everyone lived by a paper calendar. After all, people had been using paper calendars for centuries. And for good reason. Calendars are fundamental in documenting and keeping track of the important dates and events in our lives. Today, paper calendars are no longer suitable for our busier, more complex […]
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Each day, the average worker is productive for 60% or less across all professions. However, the percentage drops dramatically for office workers. During the average workday, office workers are only productive for two hours and 23 minutes, according to Voucher Cloud research. Another way to put that is that office workers are generally unproductive for […]
You’ve booked your flight. You’ve found the perfect hotel with an even more perfect view. You’ve done your restaurant research and know exactly where you’re going for each meal. You even managed to find some good deals to save a dime or two. The travel bug has been biting for months now and you can’t […]
It might sound hyperbolic. But, there’s no better way to manage your time than with a calendar. After all, having a schedule and following it may help you be more productive. What can a calendar do to help you improve your time management skills? In this article, we’ll show you how a calendar can help […]
It probably never crossed your mind. But a shared calendar can boost efficiency and communication both at home and at work. Why? Sharing your calendar with your coworkers, family, and customers will also help you stay organized. As an additional benefit, they enable you to be more productive and prevent many small errors from occurring. […]
Work is an essential part of life. Through employment, one can earn the funds needed for the many essentials. Everyone has a project or more to take care of the next time they clock into work. However, as necessary as it is, work can overtake our lives and leave us feeling tired, burnt out, and […]
At first, the thought of reorganizing your home can sound like a dreadful task. It requires weeks or sometimes even months of planning, researching, and then finally — executing. But home reorganizing is a lot easier than you might think. As long as you have a plan of attack and know some good organizational hacks, […]
Focusing while working is a problem many people face today. Between email, Slack, and social media notifications, distractions are so prevalent that it can be hard to focus on a task. According to Crucial Learning’s study of 1,600 respondents, two out of three struggle to fully focus on a single task. The majority of people […]
For many people, the end of the year is the most fun. There are so many activities, events, and holidays to attend that time can seem to vanish. But the bleak winter weather and post-holiday blitz can leave many feeling lethargic. However, people are good at keeping themselves busy and have come up with lots […]
A good work-life balance is essential to staying healthy, happy, and productive over the long haul. In order to maintain mental, emotional, and physical health, it is vital to make time for family, hobbies, relaxation, and rest. This is something we all agree on. So why do we have such a hard time finding time […]