Think Done Instead of Perfect


Tuesday, March 3rd, 2020

Think Done Instead of Perfect

Back in college, I had a professor who accused me of just “sailing by.” What she meant was that I wasn’t really applying myself and that I was doing the bare minimum to graduate. In a way, she was right. But, that’s because I adopted a philosophy that I still adhere to today — done […]

Try This Instead: 7 Ways You’ve Been Killing Your Productivity


Thursday, September 13th, 2018

Try This Instead: 7 Ways You’ve Been Killing Your Productivity

Do you feel like you aren’t as productive and focused as you should be? Have you been killing your productivity? Instead of searching for the latest productivity hack, evaluate your existing habits. You may discover that you don’t need to try out something new or different — you may actually need to tweak existing habits […]

The Perfect Workday Hours to Maximize Motivation

Meetings, Productivity, Schedule

Monday, October 30th, 2017

The Perfect Workday Hours to Maximize Motivation

What are the perfect workday hours to maximize your motivation? For me, it depends and varies based on the day. We’ve been working eight hours a day since Robert Owen coined the slogan, “Eight hours labour, eight hours recreation, eight hours rest,” back in the 18th Century. Today, the average American works 8.8 hours a […]

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