Why Energy Management is the Antidote to Burnout


Friday, January 19th, 2024

Why Energy Management is the Antidote to Burnout

We live in an age obsessed with productivity and efficiency, so it’s no surprise that time management is an essential skill. Due to this, we meticulously schedule our days, color-code our calendars, and pursue deadlines with relentless vigor. There is, however, a hidden enemy lurking in the shadows amid all the to-dos and emails. We […]

6 Ways AI is Influencing Your Everyday Life

Business Tips

Thursday, January 18th, 2024

6 Ways AI is Influencing Your Everyday Life

Artificial intelligence was a trending conversation topic in 2023 and will continue to be prevalent in 2024 and the years following. The evolving technology has continued to create more opportunities to change how we work and organize our lives. The tool has made a home in many households, from automation to routines. Not only is […]

How To Slim Down Your Schedule and Reclaim Your Time


Monday, January 15th, 2024

How To Slim Down Your Schedule and Reclaim Your Time

Do you feel like your days are crammed with too many commitments and obligations? Have you ever blurted out “I never have enough time.” Well, you’re far from alone. The results of a OnePoll survey show that 60% of people do not have enough time for work, chores, and errands. In addition, with self-care, side […]

Routine Reset: 12 Mentally Thriving Habits


Monday, January 8th, 2024

Routine Reset: 12 Mentally Thriving Habits

We are constantly pulled in a million directions by the demands of our daily lives. We often feel guilty for prioritizing our mental health because of work, relationships, and the endless to-do list. In the same way plants need consistent care to grow, we also need structure and nurturing habits to thrive in life. This […]

Five Simple Hacks to Use a Digital Calendar for Your 2024 Resolutions 


Friday, January 5th, 2024

Five Simple Hacks to Use a Digital Calendar for Your 2024 Resolutions 

It’s the beginning of a new year, and around this time, many people begin to plan for the year ahead, with some setting obligatory goals they would potentially want to achieve before the festive season rolls around once again. However, keeping New Year’s resolutions is often more complicated than one might think, and before the […]

Smart Calendar Use for Enhanced Time Management

Calendar, Time Management

Wednesday, November 22nd, 2023

Smart Calendar Use for Enhanced Time Management

In today’s fast-paced world, enhanced time management can often be the key to achieving success and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. With the various demands of work, family, friends, and personal life, staying on top of it all can feel overwhelming. Fortunately, we live in an era where humble calendars live their best lives by […]

Optimize Your Day With Your Calendar

Productivity, Time Management

Friday, November 17th, 2023

Optimize Your Day With Your Calendar

Time is a valuable commodity. It’s something that can’t be bought or returned. You can’t redo how you spend your time or go back and ask for more time. How you decide to spend your time is completely up to you. And in today’s hectic work, your calendar is your roadmap to how you spend […]

Boost Your Routine With Calendar Optimization

Business Tips

Friday, October 20th, 2023

Boost Your Routine With Calendar Optimization

If you feel your routine is suffering, it’s time to shake things up. Everyone needs a little, or a lot, of routine change every once in a while. A more flexible approach to life and work can feel amazing for some. For others, a tight, rigorous schedule is ideal. It is also important to note […]

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