7 Crucial Components You Must Schedule into Your Day

Business Tips

Wednesday, January 8th, 2020

7 Crucial Components You Must Schedule into Your Day

With so much to do on any given day, knowing how to prioritize your time can feel overwhelming. We all have a limited number of hours available. We have to use that time to maximize our productivity, but we also have to make sure that we take the opportunity to facilitate our health and wellbeing. […]

15 Ways To Kick-Start 2021


Saturday, January 4th, 2020

15 Ways To Kick-Start 2021

2023 was a great year for many, and also had some challenges. Every new year is a great time  And, like every other person in the world, I’m happy to be done with it. Here are 15 ways to kick-start 2024. How am I saying good riddance to this terrible, no-good of year? By trying […]

What are the Main Priorities in Life?

Productivity, Time Management

Friday, December 27th, 2019

What are the Main Priorities in Life?

When you’re in the thick of the daily grind, it’s easy for you to lose sight of what’s most important in your life, aka your priorities. To be fair, there are outside circumstances that can lead to this. Let’s say a family member had a medical emergency. You probably have to sacrifice another area of […]

How Should I Plan My Week to Be Productive?


Tuesday, December 10th, 2019

How Should I Plan My Week to Be Productive?

There you are enjoying a perfectly beautiful Sunday evening. You’ve had an eventful and fun weekend and decided to spend tonight chillaxing. Then, from out of nowhere, a sense of dread washes over you (there arose such a clatter?). Your mind begins to think about what you need to get done this week. There’s just […]

How to Build a Highly Productive Remote Team

Business Tips, Freelancer, Productivity

Saturday, November 23rd, 2019

How to Build a Highly Productive Remote Team

Instead of looking for talent in their own backyards, more and more companies are turning to remote workers to fill their gaps and expand their capabilities. Offering for remote teams increases productivity, retention, and stress. A highly productive remote team can also help reduce sick time and overall costs. Remote work leads to significant gains […]

10 Things Gen Z Should put in Their Calendar for Productivity

Business Tips, Calendar

Saturday, November 16th, 2019

10 Things Gen Z Should put in Their Calendar for Productivity

Adding anything to your Calendar may sound like a strange way to increase productivity. However, productivity is not all about cranking out task after task without interruption. A productive life is typically based on a balanced lifestyle. Extra random tasks on your Calendar will not increase your productivity, but making time for specific tasks can […]

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