We’re guilty of wasting time. In fact, one survey found that a whooping 89% of employees admitted that they waste time at work every day. Not that that’s always a bad thing. “Wasting time is about recharging your battery and de-cluttering,” says Michael Guttridge, a psychologist who focuses on workplace behavior. There is a thin […]
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What makes an individual happy? What makes a person feel satisfied? Can someone be satisfied even if they’re not happy, or will they find happiness even when they’re not completely satisfied? Knowing the difference between happy and satisfied can be tricky. Throughout life, we strive for happiness while also having wants that need to be satisfied. […]
If you’re a Millennial, it’s understandable why you may not be as optimistic about the future as you would like to be. Part of this fact is because you remember the Great Recession all too well. Much to your credit, you are highly educated, but you also earn less than previous generations. How much less? Roughly 20% […]
If you’re like most new business owners, you probably took the risk of starting your own business because it’s a lifelong dream or passion. The thing is, most business owners often forget that it takes money to make money – especially when you’re just starting out. There are many overlooked costs. Sometimes these expenses are obvious, like […]
Jim Rohn once said, “Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it’s something you design for the present.” But how did he design a happy life? That’s all well and good. But, isn’t that easier said than done – especially when there are daily roadblocks preventing you from becoming the happy individual that you […]