The 6 Reasons Most Miscommunications Occur


Saturday, December 2nd, 2017

The 6 Reasons Most Miscommunications Occur

Miscommunications happen frequently with most everyone I know. Technology has allowed us to communicate faster but not necessarily better. While some miscommunication is merely annoying, it’s those awful miscommunications that occur at the most inopportune moments that put unnecessary stress on us all, creating conflict and can be a disrupting influence in relationships. While some […]

Should You Schedule Social Media Posts for Your Business?

Business Tips

Friday, December 1st, 2017

Should You Schedule Social Media Posts for Your Business?

Although social media is being utilized more and more in the business world, not all businesses are using it. Those businesses may be missing out on valuable exposure which could increase their customer base. Regardless, the ones that actually do use social media may still be missing the boat. If your business is one that […]

5 Essential Sales Tactics Every Salesperson Should Know


Friday, December 1st, 2017

5 Essential Sales Tactics Every Salesperson Should Know

Sales is tough. It’s tough because it typically requires hours and hours of effort with sparse rewards. That said, it can also be the most lucrative position if you’re able to close the right deals. Luckily for you, there are sales tactics that have been proven to work over the years. Here are five essential […]

How to Increase Staff Happiness

Business Tips

Thursday, November 30th, 2017

How to Increase Staff Happiness

How important is it to increase staff happiness? In this day-in-age, employees expect more from a workplace than they used to. Gone are the days that people get a job, and settle there for the rest of their lives. It’s critical to ensure that your employees are happy so they do better work and want […]

How to Better Communicate With Your Remote Team

Business Tips

Thursday, November 30th, 2017

How to Better Communicate With Your Remote Team

Solid communication between yourself and your team is a crucial key to success when it comes to maintaining a business that thrives. When you manage a remote team, communication becomes even more important and can be tricky to improve. There’s no water cooler to meet up at so you can casually ask how the latest […]

How You Can Maintain Long-Term Focus

Business Tips

Thursday, November 30th, 2017

How You Can Maintain Long-Term Focus

The majority of us lead very busy lives.  With so many things going on it’s often difficult to maintain long-term focus. We tend to focus so much on what’s directly ahead of us that our long-term goals get pushed back. Luckily for you, there are ways to stay on track. Here are four strategies you […]

4 Strategies You Can Use to Efficiently Work From Home


Wednesday, November 29th, 2017

4 Strategies You Can Use to Efficiently Work From Home

The opportunity to work from home is great. No need to commute, no need to dress up, and most of all little to no distractions. While working from home has its advantages it also has a few drawbacks. If you’re home there’s nobody to loom over your shoulder to make sure you stay on task. […]

5 Reasons You Need an Agenda for Your Meeting


Wednesday, November 29th, 2017

5 Reasons You Need an Agenda for Your Meeting

Believe it or not, there are many managers who struggle with becoming a manager. One reason I find is because they have a hard time handling all of the duties a manager must constantly juggle. They get overwhelmed and shut down. Another is a lack of training. If you are a new manager or leader […]

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