How You Can Stay Engaged While Working Remotely


Tuesday, December 19th, 2017

How You Can Stay Engaged While Working Remotely

Working remotely has its pros and cons. Flexible work hours, no commute times, and low overhead are all reasons why so many individuals choose this work life. However not being present at the office can also have its drawbacks. Think about all the interactions and communication you’ll miss when working out of the office. While […]

3 Tips for Working on Multiple Client Projects

Freelancer, Productivity

Monday, December 18th, 2017

3 Tips for Working on Multiple Client Projects

As a small business owner, it’s very likely that you are often working on multiple client projects simultaneously. After all, we need multiple clients to stay afloat and we all like to have our money coming from different places. This begs the question – how can small business owners stay on top of multiple client […]

4 Methods to Control Your Calendar Before It Controls You


Monday, December 18th, 2017

4 Methods to Control Your Calendar Before It Controls You

Over the course of my career I’ve learned a lot about the importance of time management. How you as a business owner should control your calendar. Early on, I woke-up whenever I wanted and didn’t put an emphasis on my priorities. This pretty much resulted in aimlessly wandering through my days like a walker on […]

Where to Draw The Line With Multitasking


Monday, December 18th, 2017

Where to Draw The Line With Multitasking

If you’re like me, I multitask all the time. But where do you draw the line with multitasking? Countless research suggests that multitasking can be a recipe for disaster whether you do it in your business or personal life. However, it can still be effective given the right circumstances. For example, yesterday I walked to the pharmacy […]

Is Sharing Your Calendar with Co-Workers a Good Idea?


Friday, December 15th, 2017

Is Sharing Your Calendar with Co-Workers a Good Idea?

Having a good relationship with your coworkers is critical if you want to keep the office peace. Understandably, teamwork also helps with productivity and efficiency as well as general comradery. Of course, teamwork is a two way street. Everyone needs to try to get along and stay organized for the good of the company, not […]

4 Ways to Make a Great First Impression

Business Tips

Friday, December 15th, 2017

4 Ways to Make a Great First Impression

In business and in life we are constantly meeting new people. For every new face you meet wouldn’t it be nice for them to immediately value and respect you? In other words don’t you want to always make a great first impression? In order to make a great first impression it really boils down to […]

4 Ways to Boost Your Business During the Holidays

Business Tips

Thursday, December 14th, 2017

4 Ways to Boost Your Business During the Holidays

The holidays can a big rush for consumers who are looking for great deals and willing to spend more money. Even if you don’t have a retail business or offer a product or service that seems in demand for the holidays, you can still make some extra money and boost your business. Here are 4 […]

Meaningful Motivation: What Actually Drives Employee Engagement


Thursday, December 14th, 2017

Meaningful Motivation: What Actually Drives Employee Engagement

Managing employees is tricky. While our workers tell us money is the way to maximize productivity, results tell a different story. What do we believe? Recent experiments run by Dan Ariely, author of the book Payoff, showed that money is a poor motivator for getting the best work out of people. In fact, large bonuses for key […]

6 Signs You’re a Mentally Strong Leader

Business Tips

Thursday, December 14th, 2017

6 Signs You’re a Mentally Strong Leader

In order to be a mentally strong leader you need to understand people. You need to develop an emotional intelligence unlike anything else. No matter what hardship you or the company faces you need to be able to traverse through it. Most leaders aren’t aware of their mental strength. This is because it’s difficult to […]

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