You Don’t Have to be Uptight to be Productive


Wednesday, June 10th, 2020

You Don’t Have to be Uptight to be Productive

What do you think of when you hear the word “productivity?” I think for most of us, we conjure images of someone focusing on a task so intensely that they’ve entered a zombie-like form of meditative state. You might think of the type A personalities in your life who overwhelm you with their ambition, planning, […]

How to Stay Productive While Worrying


Tuesday, June 9th, 2020

How to Stay Productive While Worrying

According to the Gallup 2019 Global Emotions Report, Americans are the most stressed, angry, and worried people in the world. In fact, this issue is at the highest levels in a decade. “What really stood out for the U.S. is the increase in the negative experiences,” Julie Ray, Gallup’s managing editor for world news, told […]

COVID Personal Wellness Program


Sunday, June 7th, 2020

COVID Personal Wellness Program

The world seems like a completely different place than it was a mere couple of months ago. For many, it’s almost unrecognizable. To make matters worse, there is so much uncertainty on when things will go back to being “normal.” COVID-19 and now the riots — suffice it to say — this whole thing is […]

What Does Gen Z Demand from Calendar?


Saturday, May 30th, 2020

What Does Gen Z Demand from Calendar?

Just as you got used to working with and understanding millennials, you now have to prepare for Gen Z. Here is what the Gen Z demands from Calendar. Roughly defined as individuals born during or after 1997, the Gen Z demographic is entering the workforce — a whopping 61 million to be exact. And, they’re […]

Leading With Empathy From Home

Business Tips

Friday, May 29th, 2020

Leading With Empathy From Home

As you’re all well aware, the world is going through a pandemic. As a result, people are anxious, frightened, and suffering. And, they’re looking for answers on how this crisis is affecting them and when things can go back to “normal.” Here are a few suggestions about leading with empathy from home. Recently, I returned […]

9 Ways to Manage Your Time During a Pandemic

Time Management

Wednesday, May 27th, 2020

9 Ways to Manage Your Time During a Pandemic

As you are entirely aware, pandemics, such as COVID-19, can completely turn your world upside down. What’s more, the uncertainty and break in normalcy can wreck all of the strides you made in managing your time. Here are nine ways to manage your time during a pandemic. Thankfully, you can get back on track. It’s […]

How Leaders Can Show Their Employees Gratitude


Tuesday, May 26th, 2020

How Leaders Can Show Their Employees Gratitude

“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson. Here is how leaders can show their employees gratitude. It’s true. By tapping into the […]

10 Ways You Can Help Your Team Avoid Distractions


Wednesday, May 20th, 2020

10 Ways You Can Help Your Team Avoid Distractions

No matter how hard you try, you’re bound to get distracted sometime during the workday. One study from Poly found that 99 percent of employees report they get distracted while working at their personal workspace. And, when a team member gets distracted — productivity suffers. While there are distractions that you have no power over, there […]

The Upside of Remote Work: 12 Habits, Tips, and Tools to Help You Take Full Advantage of Working from Home

Business Tips

Tuesday, May 19th, 2020

The Upside of Remote Work: 12 Habits, Tips, and Tools to Help You Take Full Advantage of Working from Home

Over the last few weeks, our concept of “normal” has shifted dramatically. Working from home has gone from a nice-to-have perk that some companies offered to a necessity for the majority of office workers globally. For some, perhaps those who were sometimes able to work remotely in the past, this change is a welcome development. […]

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