Productive Things to do During Downtime

Business Tips

Wednesday, March 28th, 2018

Productive Things to do During Downtime

Even the busiest workers have a noticeable amount of downtime. Yet, there are ways to still accomplish productive things in that downtime. Whether it’s been scheduled or it’s your body’s way of saying “slow down, take a break” downtime during your workday can often be used as an opportunity to tie up loose ends and […]

6 Tips for Successful Calendar Sharing


Wednesday, March 28th, 2018

6 Tips for Successful Calendar Sharing

Busy companies that employ large groups of people have their challenges. That’s probably why many of them are moving toward shared calendars among their staff. Sharing calendars affords plenty of advantages that make it desirable. For instance, you can more easily oversee staff, prepare for meetings, and manage your day. However, to be effective in […]

3 Common Time Wasters for Your Business

Time Management

Wednesday, March 28th, 2018

3 Common Time Wasters for Your Business

I often coach business owners through the best ways to use their time. It’s too often that they come to me having an idea of what they should be doing, only to find out most of their tasks are time wasters. I understand why people are confused. They think that certain things like spending your […]

4 Ways You Can Improve Teamwork

Business Tips

Wednesday, March 28th, 2018

4 Ways You Can Improve Teamwork

Regardless of how talented your individual team members are, you won’t get very far if they don’t work cohesively. As the business owner or manager, it’s your job to implement strategies that will improve teamwork. When your team works together, trust begins to build and responsibilities become clear. A healthy team knows how to be […]

How to Be Productive During Weekends

How to Be Productive During Weekends

I love being productive during weekends. In fact, some of my best work is a result of working weekends instead of waiting until Monday. The problem is there are several distractions on weekends – especially if you live in a bustling city. Because I’ve been working seemingly weird hours for years, I often get asked […]

How to Stop Being a Micromanager


Friday, March 23rd, 2018

How to Stop Being a Micromanager

If you manage people and love what you do that doesn’t necessarily mean you are good at it. Even though that statement might sting a bit, it could be true. Nevertheless, that doesn’t mean things have to stay that way. For instance, if time management is difficult for you, work on improving your skills in […]

How to Overcome Entrepreneur Burnout

Business Tips, Freelancer

Thursday, March 22nd, 2018

How to Overcome Entrepreneur Burnout

Entrepreneurship can be a rewarding experience, but it can also require a ton of time, motivation, sacrifice, and energy. This often leads to burnouts. I’ve faced multiple burnouts as an entrepreneur and I’ve become pretty aware of the warning signs. If you feel like you’re running on empty, worrying too much or having anxiety breakdowns, […]

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