How to Manage the Moving Parts of Running a Business

Business Tips, Productivity

Friday, April 20th, 2018

How to Manage the Moving Parts of Running a Business

Our attention spans as business owners is often being pulled in multiple directions. Between clients, marketing, administrative tasks and the financials, we can feel overwhelmed by running a business. We can also find ourselves confused about which tasks to focus on and when. I’m telling you right now that running a business well comes with […]

Using Time Wisely While You Are on Hold on the Phone


Friday, April 20th, 2018

Using Time Wisely While You Are on Hold on the Phone

Who enjoys being put on hold when you call a business? Did anyone raise their hand? I didn’t think so. The fact is that many people thoroughly dislike being placed on hold when they are on the phone. I don’t blame them. It can feel like a waste of time when there are more important […]

How to Have a Productive Conference Experience

Business Tips, Time Management

Thursday, April 19th, 2018

How to Have a Productive Conference Experience

I have a big media conference I’m attending this week. The good news is I don’t have to travel for it. It’s actually being held up the street from my apartment. The bad news is I haven’t looked at the schedule yet. Fortunately, I’m a pro at having a productive conference experience, even while pressed […]

BYOD: Making Millennials More Productive in the Workplace

Business Tips

Thursday, April 19th, 2018

BYOD: Making Millennials More Productive in the Workplace

If you’re like me, and have worked in startups your whole life, your phone and computer probably double as your work devices. So when you hear BYOD, bring your own device, it’s nothing new. Larger companies however, often supply the workforce with separate devices for work. So why should a company implement a BYOD policy? […]

How Small Business Owners Can Keep Team Members Happy

Business Tips

Wednesday, April 18th, 2018

How Small Business Owners Can Keep Team Members Happy

A solid team can make or break your business. Even if you are a control person, you can’t handle everything in your business. Having team members you can trust and rely on makes a huge difference. While finding a promising team can seem like a challenge, keeping those people onboard and happy should be your […]

5 Calendar Problems That Eat Your Productivity


Wednesday, April 18th, 2018

5 Calendar Problems That Eat Your Productivity

We are creatures of habit. At times bad habits, done in the name of “being too busy”, cause us to lose valuable time and productivity. While we may recognize some of these bad habits or problem areas we may not always correct them. When you’re constantly on-the-go, one problem area to concentrate on fixing is […]

How to Get Up Early By Preparing the Night Before

Business Tips

Wednesday, April 18th, 2018

How to Get Up Early By Preparing the Night Before

If you’re one of those people who has trouble waking up early, you’re certainly not alone. I’ve never been a morning person myself. In fact, it’s something that I still struggle with today. When I have a special event, like a flight or conference, I can pop right out of bed. But when it comes […]

10 Productivity Tools Every Business Owner Needs

Business Tips

Tuesday, April 17th, 2018

10 Productivity Tools Every Business Owner Needs

Being a business owner demands a diversity of different responsibilities. You’ll wear an HR hat when hiring and managing employees. Then, you’ll don a financial hat when projecting revenue. After that, you’ll put on other hats for working with clients, generating new ideas, and navigating legal issues. But, there’s one important quality that underlies all […]

4 Productivity Apps That Will Help You On the Go


Tuesday, April 17th, 2018

4 Productivity Apps That Will Help You On the Go

After avoiding it for as long as I could, I finally upgraded my phone. You see, my business is to a point where I need several apps to help me run it. In my case, it’s mostly social media apps because I’m a blogger. However, there are also plenty of productivity apps I use to […]

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