5 Ways to Beat Workplace Spring Fever


Wednesday, May 2nd, 2018

5 Ways to Beat Workplace Spring Fever

As the weather turns nicer and the birds start to sing it makes working indoors feel a bit confining. You may long to spend time in the great outdoors and soak up a little sun. It’s similar to what school children experience when they get spring fever. Their feet dance under their desks and they […]

How to Stop Overloading Your Work Schedule

Business Tips

Tuesday, May 1st, 2018

How to Stop Overloading Your Work Schedule

I have a bad habit of overloading my work schedule to the point where I almost can’t keep up. I’m my own worst enemy when this happens. Like many other ambitious workers, I have goals and want to take on the world all while being super productive. Recently, I’ve realized that piling too much on […]

How to Keep Your Business Finances Organized

Business Tips

Monday, April 30th, 2018

How to Keep Your Business Finances Organized

One of the questions I get asked most by new bloggers is how to keep their business finances organized. I have a lot to say on this topic because it’s something I had to learn myself the hard way. Let’s be real, no one really teaches you how to do this and sometimes it’s all […]

4 Ways Sleep Deprivation Hurts Productivity


Friday, April 27th, 2018

4 Ways Sleep Deprivation Hurts Productivity

It goes without saying that everyone needs to sleep in order to function. According to the Mayo Clinic, adults need an average of 7 to 9 hours each night. Unfortunately, not all of us get the proper amount of rest that our bodies need. Without adequate sleep we are shortchanging ourselves and our families. Being […]

The Aspiring Entrepreneur’s Guide to Business Financing

Business Tips

Friday, April 27th, 2018

The Aspiring Entrepreneur’s Guide to Business Financing

Americans are more debt-ridden than ever, with around 80 percent of Americans currently carrying debt. While some of this is tied up in mortgages or medical debt, much of it also stems from student loans and credit cards. In fact, the average Gen Xer carries more than $8,000 in credit card debt, while the average […]

How to Make the Most Out of Working From Home

Business Tips, Productivity

Thursday, April 26th, 2018

How to Make the Most Out of Working From Home

I recently cancelled my coworking space membership. If you recall, paying for a membership no longer makes sense to me. I’m also waiting for a café to open up the street from me. In the meantime, I’m working from home almost every day. The challenge with working from home is we’re easily distracted. We’re distracted […]

3 Ways to Stop Being Stressed About Work

Business Tips, Schedule

Wednesday, April 25th, 2018

3 Ways to Stop Being Stressed About Work

Lately, I’ve had a lot of people in my vicinity who are stressed about work. They complain about how overworked they are and don’t have much to show for it. I get it because I’ve been there. While I still occasionally get stressed about work, I can tell you I’m not stressed about money. I […]

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