How to Increase Revenue Without Working More Hours

Business Tips

Wednesday, May 30th, 2018

How to Increase Revenue Without Working More Hours

I’m writing this article on a Friday. Fridays are usually the day I check in on my numbers in my accounting software. This morning I learned that in the last 12 months, I was able to increase revenue by $30,000. Not only that, but this was done while working less hours, traveling, moving and dealing […]

How to Make Your Emails More Effective


Tuesday, May 29th, 2018

How to Make Your Emails More Effective

When email first gained popularity about twenty plus years ago, the business world quickly realized its value. Sending nearly instantaneous messages to colleagues they could read at their convenience was a major time saver. Of course, over time email systems have evolved and changed beyond just sending a simple message to someone.  But as wonderful […]

27 Time Management Hacks You May Not Be Using

Time Management

Friday, May 25th, 2018

27 Time Management Hacks You May Not Be Using

These days, if you can save time there’s a good chance you can save money. This is true whether you are at home or at work. At home, saving time could enable you to do things yourself instead of paying others to do them. At work, it means lowered costs for your business or employer. […]

5 Ways to Find Time for Your Business

Business Tips, Productivity

Wednesday, May 23rd, 2018

5 Ways to Find Time for Your Business

In my experience as a business owner, one thing I’ve noticed is a common pattern in excuses as to why people can’t do things. One of the most common excuses is they can’t find time to work on their businesses. For example, I’ll often go to local events for women entrepreneurs and the first thing […]

How to Be Productive When You Start a New Job


Wednesday, May 23rd, 2018

How to Be Productive When You Start a New Job

When you first start a new job it’s important to begin on the right foot. One of the ways to do that is to be as productive as possible from the very start. Of course, if training is involved, tasks may be limited within the first few days. However, there are still some things you […]

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