When Outsourcing Will and Won’t Help Your Business

Business Tips

Wednesday, December 26th, 2018

When Outsourcing Will and Won’t Help Your Business

I love the idea of outsourcing. I hired my first contractor, not even a year after starting my business. At that time, I didn’t even know I had a business. I just knew I was making a little money online and wanted to increase my efforts. Outsourcing can be great for your business if done […]

Christmas Productivity Tips

Business Tips

Tuesday, December 25th, 2018

Christmas Productivity Tips

On behalf of the entire Calendar team, we wish you a Merry Christmas! Like us, you’ve probably worked tirelessly all year to work on achieving your goals. As the year draws to a close, it’s a good time to relax and enjoy your success. However, you most likely feel as though you can’t take too […]

How to Create a Business Plan in a Single Day

Business Tips

Saturday, December 22nd, 2018

How to Create a Business Plan in a Single Day

Most of us have experienced a flash of insight that gets us excited about the possibility of a business. Some of us have taken the time to brainstorm and transform that flash of insight into a verifiable idea. Far fewer of us have turned that idea into a fleshed-out business plan. It’s easy for your […]

How and When to Say No to a Freelance Client (Guiltless Tips)


Thursday, December 20th, 2018

How and When to Say No to a Freelance Client (Guiltless Tips)

If you’re a freelancer and you’re considering turning down potential clients and projects, first I want to say congrats. Freelancing can seem like a rollercoaster as your workload can often fluctuate. This makes it difficult to predict the future or determine whether you’re at a place in your career where you can actually say no […]

How To Set an Out of Office Message in Outlook


Wednesday, December 19th, 2018

How To Set an Out of Office Message in Outlook

There are a lot of great productivity hacks for the workplace, like using a meeting scheduler or setting an out of office message when you’re on vacation, a business trip, or unavailable for other reasons. If you’re using Outlook you can create an automatic out-of-office message for email replies. This message lets your email contacts […]

8 Ways Freelancers Can Stay Productive When Moving

Freelancer, Productivity

Tuesday, December 18th, 2018

8 Ways Freelancers Can Stay Productive When Moving

It’s been estimated that over 35 million Americans move each year. I was one of these people. While I’ve moved many times before, this was a little more difficult. Moving means taking care of all of the “moving fun,” like packing, purging, loading up items in a truck, unloading the truck, and unpacking. It can […]

How To Create A Family Calendar In Google

Business Tips

Monday, December 17th, 2018

How To Create A Family Calendar In Google

Between doctor’s appointments, school conferences, basketball practice ,field trips, and daily obligations like work, it’s easy to forget when and where your family should be throughout the week. Thankfully, Google Calendar is a free and powerful platform that can keep your families schedule straight — as long as you know how to create and manage […]

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