The Psychological Price of Meetings


Tuesday, May 7th, 2019

The Psychological Price of Meetings

With so many personalities within your organization, it’s not every day that you can reach unanimous decisions. However, if there is one thing that everyone can agree upon it’s how much they despise meetings. People dread meetings for several valid reasons. For starters, most people view meetings as unproductive and inefficient. That’s because there isn’t […]

11 Time Management Tips for Freelancers


Thursday, May 2nd, 2019

11 Time Management Tips for Freelancers

As a freelancer, time management is one of the most important skills that you need to develop. If you aren’t properly managing your time — then you’re not going to earn as much money. Time management tips are great, but without time management tips for freelancers specifically, freelancers may not be as effective. Are you […]

6 Tasks Business Owners Shouldn’t Have to Do

Business Tips

Wednesday, May 1st, 2019

6 Tasks Business Owners Shouldn’t Have to Do

Are there certain tasks that you loathe as a business owner? Or, are there things you do during the work day that just take too much time? The secret behind most successful business owners is that they have a winning team behind them. Being a solopreneur is fine, but when you want to scale up […]

Full Calendar Control — What You’re Doing Wrong


Tuesday, April 30th, 2019

Full Calendar Control — What You’re Doing Wrong

It may not be intentional, but the second you give up control of your calendar to others, you’re essentially putting them in control of your life. That may sound hyperbolic, but it’s true. Instead of being able to accomplish your goals and objectives, your days are now filled doing things for others. Over time, your […]

How to Color Code Your Calendar for Optimal Success


Monday, April 29th, 2019

How to Color Code Your Calendar for Optimal Success

If you want to have a successful day, you can follow some tried and true methods. These include scheduling your most important work first. Stick to a morning routine — take the time to reflect — and avoiding burnout. You can step-up your calendar game in 2020 by starting to color code your calendar for […]

Meeting With Investors? Make Sure You Do These 7 Things First


Saturday, April 27th, 2019

Meeting With Investors? Make Sure You Do These 7 Things First

Starting a business, unfortunately, involves more than having a great idea and a ton of passion. You also need to make sure that you have the appropriate amount of funding to make your idea into a reality. This means meeting with potential investors. But, before you walk into that meeting, make sure that you do […]

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