Practical Ideas for Increasing Exposure in Crowded Niches


Thursday, April 25th, 2019

Practical Ideas for Increasing Exposure in Crowded Niches

The internet has lowered the threshold for entrepreneurship and removed many of the barriers to entry that previously existed in certain markets. This has led to an influx of new ventures in certain industries, leaving crowded spaces with lots of unique challenges. Chief among them is the challenge of increasing exposure for your brand. Why […]

10 Ways to Make Your Meetings More Effective


Thursday, April 25th, 2019

10 Ways to Make Your Meetings More Effective

Like it or not, you will have to attend meetings throughout your professional career. There’s actually a reason why. Meetings can help you work toward a specific solution, resolve conflicts, and keep your time on the same page. At the same time, they’re huge time wasters and loathed by most people. However, if you use […]

How to Effectively Delegate Tasks to Your Team

Business Tips

Wednesday, April 24th, 2019

How to Effectively Delegate Tasks to Your Team

It’s no secret that delegating tasks can help you get more done. When extra hands pitch in, you can often take on more work and get results faster. The main caveat with outsourcing is the fact that you may not get a great return on your investment. If you hire the wrong team members or […]

8 Ways You Can Reduce Wasted Time in Meetings


Wednesday, April 24th, 2019

8 Ways You Can Reduce Wasted Time in Meetings

Several years ago I remember reading that Lorraine Twohill, the head of marketing at Google, has 20 meetings a day. If I was drinking something I would have spit it out like a clichéd cartoon character. After all, that just sounds impossible. However, I’ve learned since then that this is feasible as long as stop […]

How AI Will Change Our Productivity Forever


Tuesday, April 23rd, 2019

How AI Will Change Our Productivity Forever

Over the last decade there has been a surge in how businesses use technology on a daily basis. This technology goes far beyond the devices, software, and apps that you can’t live without. The emerging technology includes artificial intelligence (AI). The reason? AI has some serious productivity benefits. According to a study by Accenture, artificial […]

Teach Your Children Well: Money Habits Are Set By Age 7

Business Tips

Saturday, April 20th, 2019

Teach Your Children Well: Money Habits Are Set By Age 7

At some point we’ve all struggled with our finances. Maybe you were too young and immature to not realize the power of a budget. Perhaps you lost your job and had to rely on credit cards until you got back on your feet. Even when you’re financially sound, some still struggle with bad money habits […]

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