Go Car-Free by Managing Your Time More Effectively

Business Tips

Thursday, October 15th, 2020

Go Car-Free by Managing Your Time More Effectively

There are many reasons to try to limit traveling by car. It could be to improve environmental conditions in your area, save money on gas, or simply because you live in a city with difficult traffic patterns or parking situations. You can go car-free by managing your time more effectively. Switching to alternate forms of […]

Stay Out of Disaster Mentality for Best Productivity


Sunday, October 11th, 2020

Stay Out of Disaster Mentality for Best Productivity

If there was a silver lining with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, it removed the stigma of mental health. Until then, most of us just soldiered on — no matter how we felt emotionally or mentally. However, being confronted with a sudden and life-changing event changed that. It’s taken a significant toll on our health […]

8 Recurring Events to Add to Your Online Calendar

Business Tips, Productivity

Saturday, October 10th, 2020

8 Recurring Events to Add to Your Online Calendar

Recurring events make time management easier. Everything from annual events to social media routines can be streamlined with repeating invitations or scheduling. Here are eight recurring events to add to your online Calendar. The less time you need to spend adding and removing things from your calendar, the better. The whole point of a calendar […]

Exploring Makes You Happier — How to Do So Daily


Friday, October 2nd, 2020

Exploring Makes You Happier — How to Do So Daily

On a daily basis, I would classify myself as a homebody. But, that doesn’t mean that I frown about traveling. In fact, I love to travel. Here is how exploring makes you happier and how to be happier daily. Personally, since I’m a planner, I get a kick out of making travel arrangements and gathering […]

8 Time Management Tips from America’s Farmers

Business Tips

Tuesday, September 29th, 2020

8 Time Management Tips from America’s Farmers

Think about the last meal you ate. Where did all that food come from? Unless you had M&Ms for breakfast, most of what was on your plate came from one of America’s farms. Here are 8 time-management tips from America’s farmers. Farmers work hard, but it takes more than muscle to run a farm. Providing […]

Can Your Online Calendar Help You Sleep Better?

Business Tips

Saturday, September 26th, 2020

Can Your Online Calendar Help You Sleep Better?

Getting good, consistent sleep is a battle all adults face. Juggling work, home, and family responsibilities leaves little time for rest. But, can your online calendar help you sleep better? When you don’t get adequate sleep, your health and productivity take a dive. So how can you make sure you’re getting enough of it? It’s […]

How Pro Athletes Use Their Calendar for Peak Performance

Business Tips

Friday, September 25th, 2020

How Pro Athletes Use Their Calendar for Peak Performance

For pro athletes, time management is non-negotiable. To push their limits, they schedule everything from workouts to matches on their calendar. Here is how pro-athletes use their calendar for peak performance. Most of us will never be world-class athletes. With that said, we can learn a lot from the time management skills they use to […]

How Raising Your Intelligence Will Spark Productivity

Business Tips

Friday, September 18th, 2020

How Raising Your Intelligence Will Spark Productivity

“A wise man has to always listen to the peers he surrounds around himself. That’s why you surround yourself with other smart people. Captain Kirk keeps Mr. Spock right beside him.” — RZA. Here is how raising your intelligence will spark productivity. The RZA was right. In fact, it’s not a well-kept secret that the […]

How Big Companies Can Use an Online Calendar for Speeding Up Their Workflow

How Big Companies Can Use an Online Calendar for Speeding Up Their Workflow

Let’s face it, in today’s fast-paced world, time is everything. Businesses are constantly looking for ways to save time to increase productivity. Specifically for big businesses, the challenge is to find time-saving solutions with limited costs. Big businesses have to deal with complex, time-consuming processes such as customer strategies, employee development, quality control, financial analysis, […]

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