Adding Self-Care to Your Calendar During Covid


Tuesday, December 29th, 2020

Adding Self-Care to Your Calendar During Covid

Wash your hands. Wear a mask. Practice social distancing or stay home. You know the drill by now. These “musts” have been simple and practical ways to take care of your physical health during these tumultuous times. Certainly. But they don’t do much for your mental health. While there are ways to cope with and […]

7 Time-Eaters Destroying Your Productivity Right Now


Friday, December 18th, 2020

7 Time-Eaters Destroying Your Productivity Right Now

Time-eaters, aka chronophages, are something (or somebody) wasting your time or, figuratively speaking, eating your time, together with your productivity. A better name might be a “thief,” because they steal your valuable time. In his book An Art of Living, André Maurois describes them like this: “They are pitiless. From the man who does not […]

How to Be More Productive in the Evening

Business Tips

Wednesday, December 16th, 2020

How to Be More Productive in the Evening

Everyone who knows me knows that I love being a morning person. I’ve trained myself to get up early and do my best to get off to a productive start for the day. As a freelancer, I also set my own schedule and often very flexible. With everyone being at home a lot more now […]

How to Refill Your Emotional Gas Tank Full


Thursday, December 10th, 2020

How to Refill Your Emotional Gas Tank Full

Growing up, my dad wasn’t much of a flyer. He preferred to hit the open road instead. That meant that we took a lot of road trips. While flying is definitely more convenient, I’m still partial to this type of travel. Maybe it’s nostalgic. But, I think it’s really because of the independence — like […]

To Keep Outdoor Pets Safe, Keep an Eye on Your Calendar

Business Tips

Saturday, December 5th, 2020

To Keep Outdoor Pets Safe, Keep an Eye on Your Calendar

The winter months bring joy to those who love the snowy weather and holiday cheer. Unfortunately, many furry friends are left out in the cold. Outdoor pets need extra tender love and care during the winter to keep them safe and healthy. Your online calendar is a helpful asset for keeping furry friends safe and […]

Break Your Binge-Watching Habit With These 8 Scheduling Tips

Business Tips

Sunday, November 29th, 2020

Break Your Binge-Watching Habit With These 8 Scheduling Tips

Have you always been a binge-watcher? You’re not alone. Has the pandemic brought your binge-watching tendencies? You’re not alone. Americans are watching a record eight hours of streaming content per day during the lockdowns.  While there is no doubt streaming services are convenient, don’t let them become a crutch. Watching hours of video content every […]

Use Your Online Calendar to Take Advantage of Cyber Monday

Business Tips

Monday, November 23rd, 2020

Use Your Online Calendar to Take Advantage of Cyber Monday

Cyber Monday is one week away — are you ready? Online sales are growing faster than weeds. Ecommerce sales in the U.S. alone have grown over 32% in the last year, and they show no sign of slowing down. The convenience of online shopping and products being delivered right to your door is an easy […]

WFH Tips You Should Share With Your Kids

Time Management

Thursday, November 12th, 2020

WFH Tips You Should Share With Your Kids

In the “before pandemic times,” parents and children would have wrapped up their back-to-school shopping and been in a normal routine. The parents would have had plans in the works for the holidays — and children would have been anticipating the Thanksgiving break. But, that’s not exactly what’s occurring right now. Because of the uncertainty […]

Set Your Babysitter Up for Success With an Online Calendar

Business Tips

Wednesday, November 4th, 2020

Set Your Babysitter Up for Success With an Online Calendar

Kids are one of life’s great joys. Simultaneously, they can be one of life’s biggest responsibilities. No matter how much you love them, it’s nice to have an evening to yourself or with your spouse every once in a while. In other cases, working parents might need help covering responsibilities during the day. Here is […]

Is Working From Home Making You Miserable?


Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020

Is Working From Home Making You Miserable?

For years those who were fortunate enough to work remotely or work from home praised its benefits from the rooftops. In fact, numerous research backed-up these claims. For example, Owl Labs found in its 2019 State of Remote Work Report the following: 83% of survey respondents agree that the ability to work remotely would make […]

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