Where’s My Calendar on My Phone?


Friday, January 10th, 2020

Where’s My Calendar on My Phone?

Unless you throw your paper in a junk drawer, it’s pretty tricky to misplace the good old paper calendar. A paper Calendar will either hanging on the wall in front of you, or it’s literally on top of your desk. With digital calendars, however, they’re not always right in front of your eyes. But where […]

Could a 4-day Work Week Work For You?

Productivity, Time Management

Thursday, January 9th, 2020

Could a 4-day Work Week Work For You?

Many of us probably feel like we don’t have enough time during the week to get everything done. When it comes to working, the typical 5-day 40-hour work week has been the standard for the longest time. For many entrepreneurs, they find themselves working 6 or 7 days regularly just to keep up with all […]

7 Crucial Components You Must Schedule into Your Day

Business Tips

Wednesday, January 8th, 2020

7 Crucial Components You Must Schedule into Your Day

With so much to do on any given day, knowing how to prioritize your time can feel overwhelming. We all have a limited number of hours available. We have to use that time to maximize our productivity, but we also have to make sure that we take the opportunity to facilitate our health and wellbeing. […]

What Are the Main Priorities in Your Business Life?

Business Tips, Time Management

Tuesday, January 7th, 2020

What Are the Main Priorities in Your Business Life?

Regardless of whether you’re looking to climb your way up the corporate ladder or grow your business, we need to have priorities for our professional life. Without establishing your priorities, we won’t be as effective at our jobs or meet goals and deadlines. Priorities are also needed to protect resources like time and money. Essential […]

How Good is Your Time Management?

Time Management

Sunday, January 5th, 2020

How Good is Your Time Management?

It takes a lot of moxie and self-awareness to admit what your strengths and weaknesses are. I mean how gut-wrenching must it be for someone to audition on a talent show and be told that they aren’t as good as they thought they were? Personally, I would be devastated. But, how good is your time […]

Using an Online Calendar for New Year’s Resolutions

Business Tips

Sunday, January 5th, 2020

Using an Online Calendar for New Year’s Resolutions

Happy New Year! It’s time to set 2020 aside forever. What feels like the longest year ever is finally over, and it’s time to broaden your horizons and look forward to what 2021 has to offer. Every year people set New Year’s resolutions in an attempt to make each year better than the last. However, […]

15 Ways To Kick-Start 2021


Saturday, January 4th, 2020

15 Ways To Kick-Start 2021

2023 was a great year for many, and also had some challenges. Every new year is a great time  And, like every other person in the world, I’m happy to be done with it. Here are 15 ways to kick-start 2024. How am I saying good riddance to this terrible, no-good of year? By trying […]

What Comes First in Your Life?


Saturday, January 4th, 2020

What Comes First in Your Life?

It’s really a shame. Life is so short, and your time so valuable. Yet, we waste it chasing temporary happiness and things that have no meaning. Maybe because in the daily rat race, we lose sight of what’s essential. Or, perhaps you’re just uncertain about what your priorities should be. Either way, here’s what should […]

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