What is the Flowtime Technique?


Thursday, September 16th, 2021

What is the Flowtime Technique?

Like finding the perfect recipe, discovering the optimal productivity system is no easy feat. Case in point, I recently found a simple fajita recipe online last week. Since I was crunched for time, this looked like a quick and delicious dinner. But, unfortunately, it wasn’t to my liking. Will I ever use this recipe again? […]

Best Time Management Tools for Daily Work

Time Management

Thursday, June 10th, 2021

Best Time Management Tools for Daily Work

Over the years, I’ve put together my fair share of IKEA furniture. And, not to toot my own horn here, but I think I’ve mastered the art of assembling it. I know that it’s a struggle for many. But, for me, it’s all about patience and having the right tools. Sure. IKEA throws you a […]

How to Use Your Calendar to be More Productive Everyday

Business Tips

Friday, May 28th, 2021

How to Use Your Calendar to be More Productive Everyday

It can be challenging to stay productive when you’re no longer in an office surrounded by colleagues and managers. So, how do you keep track of everything you have to do? What if we told you the answer is right in front of you? That’s right, your Calendar. Your Calendar management is one of the best […]

10 Ways to Prioritize Productivity Again, Now


Thursday, May 6th, 2021

10 Ways to Prioritize Productivity Again, Now

The last year has been one that we’ll be recalling for the rest of our lives. And, we certainly had plenty of reasons not to prioritize productivity. However, as we begin to re-emerge into some semblance of normalcy, it’s time to get back on the productivity train. 10 Ways to Prioritize Productivity Again, Now! Obviously, […]

Think Before You Post: Don’t Let Social Media Bring You Down

Business Tips

Thursday, January 21st, 2021

Think Before You Post: Don’t Let Social Media Bring You Down

We all know that social media has become a part of daily lives and will continue to be controversial. Recall the many stories about how social media takes people out of the moment, and instead of enjoying a concert or sporting event — people are preoccupied with taking selfies. Most of the time, I say, […]

15 Productivity Hacks that Have Become Irrelevant (Thanks COVID)


Thursday, December 31st, 2020

15 Productivity Hacks that Have Become Irrelevant (Thanks COVID)

As 2020, finally, has come to an end, I can’t help but reflect on how much the world has changed so quickly. For some of this has been overcoming mental health challenges and adjusting our lifestyles. Others have actually used the pandemic to finally put their priorities at the forefront, such as improving their health […]

What’s Does Parkinson’s Law Have to do with Productivity


Thursday, December 3rd, 2020

What’s Does Parkinson’s Law Have to do with Productivity

When it comes to boosting your productivity, you’ve tried it all. You’ve learned how to prioritize lists and build a schedule around your peak hours. You have optimized your work environment and even learned how to say “no” to unnecessary time requests. And, yet, despite your best efforts, you’re still wrestling with productivity. What’s going […]

10 Reasons Why it’s OK to be a Night Owl


Thursday, November 5th, 2020

10 Reasons Why it’s OK to be a Night Owl

The early bird catches the worm. I’m sure that you’ve heard that adage a million times. And, there is some truth to that. I used to think that if someone slept in — they were the worst slacker in the world. But — if we allow for differences in human beings — this may not […]

Information Overload is Killing Your Productivity


Monday, November 2nd, 2020

Information Overload is Killing Your Productivity

We’re in the midst of a pandemic. And, no. It’s not only the virus that has been changed in the world as we know it. I’m referring to something called information overload. To be honest, this shouldn’t be a surprise. We make per day between the 35,000 choices and being plugged in 24/7; we’re burning ourselves […]

Arrest These 12 Time and Productivity Thieves


Monday, October 26th, 2020

Arrest These 12 Time and Productivity Thieves

Because time is your most valuable commodity, you must protect it at all costs. Unfortunately, you can’t hire a personal bodyguard to do this for you. Instead, you’re the only defense between you and time thieves. Here is how to arrest these twelve time and productivity thieves. On the plus side, you can easily spot […]

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