Most people seem to think that if they have a higher productivity — then they will finally be happy. The problem with thinking that increasing productivity for happiness works is — you move your marker ahead. As soon as you do more — you won’t even pause for a politician applause (patting yourself on the back).
You’ll add more to your to-do list even if you’ve crushed your productivity out of the water.
Know what you want to accomplish today — right when you get up — you’ll be more productive.
Each evening (or even first thing in the morning) write down what you want to get done. Only put about five items on this list. These will be items that you must accomplish today.
If you literally have a zillion items to do — add each of those pieces of information to your master list. This means out of your brain and onto paper (well, digital). You don’t want to have to keep track of remembering these issues or tasks. To increase your productivity for happiness — you will need to begin knocking a few of these tasks (from the zillion list) off that list.
Pieces hacked off of your “Zillion List” — will definitely increase your productivity for happiness. But, let’s stay with capturing and controlling today — and the rest of your schedule will follow with success.
Give yourself a high five — each time you finish something.
You don’t have to stop and do one-of-those touch-down football shuffles each time you write a sentence — but take just a couple of seconds and tell yourself “good job,” when you have crossed something important off your to-do list. Just that few seconds will do a lot for your productivity and for your happiness.
Leave yourself enough time to get everything done.
One of the biggest blocks to productivity and for happiness — is to have 20 items on your list. You do 18 of these items — 10 which are critical to your company. Then, you see those two things that you didn’t get done.You begin right then and there to have a party — beating-up on yourself for those glaring two items that weren’t finished.
This is one of the fastest ways to tank — both personally and professionally. Start to recognize your own worth and measure it — then others will too. Make sure you measure yourself, so you aren’t just blowing smoke up your own tailpipe.
Get off social media.
This “command” — “get off social” is always listed on the “listicles” about productivity for happiness. However, I’ve found that the social media is a reward for me. I love it. If someone tells me this or that is a great job, I like it.
As I see others I’ve worked with have a great success — I’m happy for them. Their energy and work gives me a massive boost. More and more energy pours in as I let them know how proud I am of them and their work.
If you are one that looks at someone else’s success and bows over and says, “they are so fabulous, but oh man, I suck.” Yeah, then stay off of social.
Find what “does-it” for you — and help yourself out. If high-five-ing someone else on social is for you — go ahead.
Some say that you need to set a timer for social. If you need to set a timer — set a timer for 10 minutes and have fun.
Give ourself a 10 minute break to chat with other employees at work — this increases satisfaction and happiness.
For a different kind of boost — stop and visit with the peeps at work. This activity usually has to be coordinated. You don’t want to break in on someone when they are right in the middle of their work. Just mention that you will have 10 minutes to talk when they do.
This begins to make great memories for you at work. Take a selfie here and there, if you want. You will begin to know your team better and know more about them. It is surprising how quickly you will become interested in all aspects of your team and what they are working on.
You will get great ideas for your work. Watch how your whole team becomes more productive with this interaction. By taking a few moments in the day for the niceties — you also build a backup system of support for yourself and for them.
This is one of the fastest ways to increase productivity and happiness for everyone in the office. You will care more about helping to build each other.
You gotta learn to prop yourself up.
Now-a-days we all have to prop ourselves up — big-time. You want to be really great — go out and be great. Especially at work — you have to know you are fantastic.
Everyone is so busy — looking at themselves and their projects, they rarely have time for something else. Productivity, productivity, productivity — metrics, analytics — more, more, more. Sometimes I think I’ll throw-up if I see one more of those graphs. It’s like — “dude — I learned how to make those cute little graphs on my computer too! Whoop-de-doo.”
Learn to show-up each day with your to-do list. Know how to be productive and how to be happy. Work your guts out — then thank yourself for doing such a great job.
You’ll find that’s how to increase your productivity for happiness. This is the same system for increasing productivity for productivity sake alone. Anything else is a bonus.
Deanna Ritchie
Editor-in-Chief at Calendar. Former Editor-in-Chief and writer at Startup Grind. Freelance editor at Entrepreneur.com. Deanna loves to help build startups, and guide them to discover the business value of their online content and social media marketing.