If you manage people and love what you do that doesn’t necessarily mean you are good at it. Even though that statement might sting a bit, it could be true. Nevertheless, that doesn’t mean things have to stay that way.
For instance, if time management is difficult for you, work on improving your skills in that area. Or, if you lack confidence in running meetings you could take a class to learn more about it.
But one other area you may not recognize having trouble with is micromanaging. Fortunately, there are ways you can stop being a micromanager.
Recognize the Problem
The first step to stop being a micromanager is to recognize the problem. Here are some classic signs of micromanagement that may help:
- Constantly scrutinizing the work of others
- Not delegating tasks others could do
- Assigning projects and then taking them away to complete on your own
- Missing deadlines
- Discouraging or ignoring the suggestions of staff
Fix the Problem
Now that you know some of the signs of micromanagement you need to take measures to stop being a micromanager.
Ask Employees for Feedback
One of the ways to fix the problem of micromanaging is to ask employees for their feedback. Although what you hear at first may not be positive, it is a good way to begin.
It may take more than one try before your staff trust that you want to change how you manage them. Talk to them anyway and get their ideas. If you implement any of their suggestions, make sure you give credit where it’s due.
Assign Tasks Differently
It’s sometimes said that poor employee performance is a reflection of management. There is at least a grain of truth in that statement. So, if you want to improve performance, stop micromanaging using these steps:
Give Good Instructions
When incomplete or unclear instructions are given to team members they are more likely to fail. Therefore, if you want to stop being a micromanager, help yourself by helping them.
Make sure your instructions are easy to follow and don’t skip any steps. Let your employees do the work while you simply instruct. Then let them get down to business.
Check in Periodically
After enough time has passed for your employee to get started on the assigned project, check in with them. Ask how things are going and if they have any questions.
This gives them the opportunity to let you know of any difficulties that have come up. However, it still leaves them in control of the task you assigned.
Give Praise for a Job Well Done
Once a team member satisfactorily completes a project you gave them their confidence level will have improved. They will feel encouraged and less insecure about their abilities. Thus, they may perform better on the job.
But one way you can encourage that is to give them praise for a job well done. Remember, the task doesn’t have to be perfect, just good enough.
If corrections are needed, though, let them make the changes. This reinforces what they’ve learned and reduces the likelihood that they make the same mistakes in the future.
Improving your management skills is just like anything else. It takes practice. Use these tips to help you practice and stop being a micromanager. You’ll probably get a lot more accomplished if you do.
Kayla Sloan
Kayla is a financial productivity expert that wants to help everyone pursue a life of freedom. My goal in life is to help people feel less chained to their jobs. You deserve to find the best. Lets get their together!