Have a mastermind or thinking of getting one? A mastermind group often consists of a close-knit group of people generally with a common interest uniting them. The group meets regularly to discuss goals, ideas, plans and commit to supporting each other’s efforts and success.
If you’re looking to launch or grow a business venture, a mastermind group can be a great way to be accountable for your goals, network, and receive support from other people who are either in your current situation or have walked in your shoes before.
The success of a mastermind group relies heavily on the quality and effectiveness of regular meetings. Here are some tips tip you host and attend effective mastermind business to reach your goals and improve your business.
Decide When and How Often You’ll Meet
It’s important to involve everyone’s input on this decision. Depending on the main focus of your group, you’ll want to meet at least once a month and stick to certain dates.
Masterminds that meet once or twice a month are often the most effective because you don’t want to leave too much time in between meetings and risk members becoming uncommitted.
Meeting once a week is an option but may be very intense given everyone’s availability. But, if it works for your group it’s a solid option. Once you narrow down the days and time you’d like to meet, have everyone mark it on their calendar to prioritize the meeting. There’s nothing worse than having to wait around for someone to show up late when everyone else is on time.
Determine the Structure of the Meeting
Meetings become a complete waste of time when they lack structure. Beforehand, you must narrow down what you’ll discuss and an end goal for the meeting.
Most typical mastermind meetings will start with a greeting and announcements followed by a recap of what everyone has been up to since last week’s meeting.
Then, you might want to discuss a new topic or share something you’ve recently learned that might help people in the group. Finally, you’ll end with a brief recap, some key takeaways, and everyone’s short-term goals to go over at the next meeting.
Having a solid structure means everyone can walk away from the meeting feeling like they took something positive away.
Choose a Prime Setting/Location
Choosing your location wisely is important. If you plan on meeting locally, you’ll need to make sure the space can fit everyone and doesn’t provide too many distractions.
If you’ll be doing an online meeting, you might want to research different platforms and see which one might be the best to accommodate the number of people signing on, the desired length of the meeting, and your sound and technical requirements.
For example, you may want to have the option to share your screen easily during the meeting or possibly even record it for future reference. You also don’t want basic sound and tech issues to deter you from going over all the material. Make sure everyone is somewhat familiar with the platform and all ready to go beforehand.
Come Willing and Ready to Support
You be comfortable giving before you can expect to receive. To make your mastermind truly work and aid in your success, you want to focus on helping the other people in your group and building a better relationship with them.
Consider offering honest feedback, tips, and advice, or merely your support during meetings. If someone launches something exciting, be sure to share it on your platforms. All of your actions will be reciprocated when you need advice and support as well.
Some of the best partnerships also stem from mastermind groups. You may be able to team up with some of the people in your group to work on fun projects that build your business.
Are you in a mastermind group? What do you do to make your meetings more effective and productive?
Choncé Maddox
Choncé Maddox is a professional writer who recently left her job in the web design industry to produce killer content and manage her own writing business full time. She is passionate about helping entrepreneurs be more productive and create a life they love by doing fulfilling work. On the side, she runs a podcast and blogs about getting out of debt at MyDebtEpiphany.com.