Have you ever heard of the Rapid Planning Method? This time management approach, often written shorthand as RPM, was developed by motivational speaker and business coach Tony Robbins. Robbins considers RPM to be a system of thinking rather than a time management technique, but it’s a system that will help you increase your productivity nevertheless.
This article will outline some of the principles of RPM to give you a better idea of how this new way of thinking can help you accomplish more. But, first, let’s break it down:
Breaking Down RPM
While RPM stands for Rapid Planning Method, each of the letters can be broken down into separate sections as well. This will give the initialism a new and deeper meaning rather than just a name:
Start by thinking about what you want to accomplish. Your daily plans should center around the results you hope to see now and in the future. This could be something simple like wanting the house to be cleaned by the end of the day or a long-term goal to increase your bench press personal best by the end of the month.
This section of the Rapid Planning Method incorporates the first two letters of SMART goal-setting; specific and measurable. The plans you make will be much more effective when you can visualize the end result and measure your progress along the way.
Next, think about why you’re doing what you do. For example, is your weight-lifting goal because you want to prioritize your health, or because you have Olympic aspirations? Purpose brings motivation to your planning so that you’re excited to get things done after they’re written down.
Robbins suggests using trigger words as a motivational tool here. Words hold a lot of power and can even be turned into mantras you repeat to yourself for extra motivation on tough days. For example, your trigger words for weight-lifting might be stronger, durable, and consistent. These are the words you want to ingrain in yourself through the Rapid Planning Method.
Massive Action Plan
This is where you take your purpose and create action to generate the results you desire. Don’t just write down one or two items; note them all down. Then, brainstorm as many ideas, tasks, and plans that you can think of that will turn your dreams into reality.
After you’ve laid out your massive action plan, you begin to organize it. Group similar items together so that your extensive list becomes condensed and more feasible. Prioritize tasks based on how important they are or how soon they must be completed for the rest of the plan to be carried out.
Using RPM to Raise Productivity
Now you have a better idea of what RPM aims to do; it’s time to put it into action. Giving RPM a trial run will be a much better indicator of how effective it works than by only reading about it. Here’s how it might help you:
Make Busy Work Meaningful
Have you ever powered through a to-do list and still felt like you got nothing meaningful done? Stay-at-home parents likely know the feeling. With so many messes to clean, loads of laundry to run, and dishes to put away, it seems like the work never ends. It can be difficult to find meaning among all the madness.
Using RPM, you can make your busy work more meaningful. Why do you complete housework? Thinking about making your home a better place to raise your kids is a better motivator than doing so simply because it’s expected of you.
With greater purpose, productivity comes more easily. Rather than dragging your feet from the kitchen to the basement, you’ll find a little spring in your step, knowing that what you do means so much more than a checklist.
Clear Up Your Vision
Going through the humdrum 9-5 life can get really stale really quickly. So many people lose sight of their goals and dreams because they focus on making ends meet or surviving until the next pay period. RPM helps clear up your vision so that the things you do every day mean so much more.
Not only is RPM great for your daily planning, but it can also add so much more to your regular schedule. For example, you might have a dream to open up your own bakery but are struggling to take the time to get it going. Using RPM, you’ll be able to draft up a competent plan backed by a strong purpose and the vision required to make it happen.
You might have a perfect time management technique already in motion using your Calendar. If that’s the case, try RPM out for a side project you’ve been procrastinating for too long. Pick up an old New Year’s resolution or lifelong dream and see how RPM can get you closer than ever to your goals.
Work Harder and Smarter
You’ve probably heard the phrase “work smarter, not harder.” Why not do both? Part of the reason Tony Robbins developed RPM was to be an alternative to traditional to-do lists. Checklists are the epitome of working hard and getting stuff done in an orderly fashion, but Robbins knew you could do so much more than what a checklist might limit you to.
To-do lists can often get you hung up on the details. Of course, being detail-oriented isn’t a bad thing, but your progress might be slower. With RPM, the question “what do I need to do” will point you toward result-oriented actions driven by purpose rather than a list of items that will slow the process down.
An important aspect of RPM is the clustering of checklist items together. Why not try and knock out as many items as possible so you can get more done in a single day? This is how many great entrepreneurs and superstars got to where they are today.
You can be just as much of a superstar as anyone else. So grab your Calendar and give RPM a try and take note of how much more you’re able to accomplish. Your time analytics will help gauge your progress.
Image Credit: annete lusina; pexels; thank you!
Hunter Meine
Hunter Meine is a BYU-Idaho graduate, husband, father, and writer. When he's not writing, he's playing sports or enjoying the outdoors with his wife and daughter.