One of the pinnacles of self-improvement is trying to balance all of our commitments. We’re all incredibly busy and with only a certain amount of time on our hands each day, it can be difficult to figure out what is worth pursuing and what isn’t.
Like many, I’ve been struggling with that to a degree in my life. However, the struggle has gotten significantly easier after I took a self-improvement course.
Now, there are a tonne of self-improvement courses out there, but the one I went through is the course offered by Lifehack – The Full Life Framework. Below I provide you with an honest lifehack course review.
Course Premise
To get an understanding of how this helped me relearn life balance, it’s important to know what this course is all about. Created by Lifehack CEO Leon Ho, the course provides the foundation of 5 life principles.
These life principles are tried and true and that Leon has used in the past to turn his life from working constantly to a full life that he is happy with and is enriching in all aspects. There is no doubt that this is an effective course as the lifehack academy has many courses revolving around these concepts. The Full Life Framework course encompasses all of them.
The principles that this program provides are:
- Life missions
- Settling for not making sacrifices
- A progressive mindset
- Gaining self control in life
- Using life multipliers
Here is how those principles allowed me to rebalance my life.
Setting Life Missions
The first cornerstone of this program and that this Lifehack Academy review will look at is life missions. Life missions, according to the course, work similar to goals, but they have more depth to them.
Life missions are things like fulfilling a desire or completing a goal, but it’s also tied to your own sense of self. It puts more emphasis on what you desire in life on a subconscious level.
I think this is amazing and it does make sense since succeeding in life is about pursuing goals and dreams that have a significant role in your life. If you’re focusing on setting goals for the sake of it, you might not necessarily be succeeding.
Only when goals that guide you to who you want to be will you be able to rebalance your life. The fact the course addresses this aspect and demands self-reflection is fantastic.
Relearning About Sacrifices
At the same time while you’re rebalancing your life, the course also challenges how you view sacrificing. This is crucial because I – like many – would think that rebalancing your life entails giving up on things.
After all, it seems like an obvious and easy answer. After my left leg got crushed in 2006 from a skid steer and was told I would never walk again, it would’ve been easy to think this was a sacrifice I had to make back then.
Fortunately, I didn’t dwell on that and strived to walk again, but not all sacrifices are that clear. This course brings that to life.
For example, the choice of working on growing your business can easily be seen as a sacrifice. Me working on my business when my leg was being repaired could be seen as a sacrifice since I’m giving up time to build my leg strength to walk again.
This program challenges that sort of logic and flips it on its head. It argues that when you develop the right mindset and focus on the right skills, you can do this without feeling like you’re giving up things.
Shifting My Mindset
The first two parts of the program create a good foundation and lead up to this aspect: a progress-oriented mindset. This is something that is greatly appreciated as each section of this framework builds off of one another.
The third block to this course is teaching that mindset. At this point, I was already primed to be learning about this. I’ve set goals that mean a lot to me at this point in my life and I keep in mind that I shouldn’t be giving up or sacrificing anything to have these goals achieved.
This third section builds from that by challenging you on your views of success and failure. It argues that success or failure comes down to a matter of progress. The course does this extremely well and that this lifehack course review agrees with.
What’s also great about this course is that it applies that logic to all corners of your life. After all, entrepreneurs aren’t just businessmen and women. We’re all people who are looking to balance our lives.
Getting More Self-Control
From that third principle, we get to the fourth block which is gaining self-control. As much as developing that mindset and reemphasizing it is good, it can all come crumbling down when we lack the tools to control it.
We make so many decisions in a day and a single decision can overturn a lot of progress that we make. As such, you need to have something in place to stop that.
As entrepreneurs, we tend to have better self-control. After all, we’re taking a lot of risks when starting a business. We’re all crossing our fingers in the hope of making it as a business and entrepreneur.
What this course helped me with was to realize that aspect and then transfer it to the other aspects of my life. In order for my efforts to make any progress, I needed a system that leads to those things.
The program helped me to implement several habits into my life to rebalance my life seamlessly. They are part of my success these days and help me lead a better life as a result.
Using Life Multipliers
The course could’ve stopped at the fourth block but it didn’t. It went one step further to talk about life multipliers.
When you think of life hacking, you think about ways to save time here and there or a few neat tricks or effective methods for certain aspects of your life. That’s all fine.
But what if you wanted to gain more from those aspects?
This is where life multipliers come in as the course not only provides you with a road map to fix your rebalancing act, but how you can benefit more from this new lifestyle. As a result of this, I believe this is a well rounded course that goes above and beyond your typical self-improvement courses.
Final Thoughts
The Full Life Framework course is phenomenally made. It provides a straightforward process and teaches you how to keep it in place. The course heavily relies on system building rather than focusing on habits as well, thus making it easier to implement and stick to it.
There are plenty of Lifehack reviews out there who can attest to the effectiveness of this course and I agree with them. After all, this course has helped me to rebalance my lifestyle in a way I never thought of before.
John Hall
John Hall is the co-founder of Calendar a scheduling and time management app. He’s also a keynote speaker that you can book at http://www.johnhallspeaking.com.