Running a business is full of ups and downs. When things go well it’s one of the greatest and most accomplished feelings in the world. On the contrary, when things go south it can feel like there’s no more hope. While there will always be a few things out of your control it’s in your best interest to stay positive. Luckily for you, there are plenty of ways that you can become and stay happy as a business owner. Here are six of them.
Set Attainable Goals
One of the best ways you can be a happier business owner is by setting achievable goals. It’s great to be ambitious but if you’re constantly falling short of the mark it can be discouraging. Remember, it’s always better to overachieve than underdeliver.
Try setting one large goal each month with weekly goals that lead up to it. That way you can set yourself up for little victories along the way while keeping yourself on track.
Don’t Take “No” So Personally
As a business owner, you’re going to hear the word “No” ten times more than you’ll hear “Yes”. That’s just the nature of business.
You need to learn how to brush it off and move on to the next prospect. In fact, you should take the time to learn why that particular person wasn’t interested. This way you’ll gain value either way.
Be a Problem Solver
Think back to your High School days. Remember how good it felt when you finally solved that super long word problem in math class? That same feeling is alive and well in business.
Whether it’s for yourself or other employees you should always look to solve problems rather than create them. This will create a happier workplace all around.
Connect With Other Business Owners
The greatest thing about being a business owner is that you’re far from alone. There are millions of others just like you trying to accomplish the same goals. All these other business owners are a great source of support and feedback.
That said, you should take every opportunity you can to get out there and network. Whether it’s at an industry conference or at the local coffee shop you never know where a connection may take you.
Delegate, Delegate, Delegate
Happiness and productivity go hand in hand in business. Nobody wants to feel stagnant or that they aren’t providing value. If a task falls on your desk that you feel is out of your expertise, you need to delegate right away.
The misconception here is that delegating shows a sign of weakness or laziness. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Delegating shows strong leadership and the ability to properly manage a team. That said, you need to delegate often and as soon as work falls on your desk.
Find a Proper Work Life Balance
This section could have a whole article to itself. Achieving a work life balance is no easy task, especially for a business owner. It’s also one of the most important things you can do to keep happy and sane.
Nobody is expected to work all day and night. In fact, you’re actually less productive if you work ridiculous hours every day than if you work a standard number of hours. Follow the motto “work smart not hard” and try to put a hard stop to your workday. During your free time do your best to stay disconnected and spend time with friends and family. If you make this a routine you’ll find yourself more energized and motivated to attack work the next day.
Becoming a happier business owner won’t happen overnight. Try to make one change at a time and build it into a habit. Overtime you’ll notice yourself becoming happier and more productive in the long run.
Renzo Costarella
Renzo Costarella is an entrepreneur, avid learner, and startup enthusiast currently living in Silicon Valley. He consults for several startups in the Bay Area and is pursuing a few ideas of his own.