Many people struggle with the issue of productivity. They may jump from one activity, or fire, to the next and find themselves constantly running in circles. But some of them fail to use all of the tools they could in order to stay on top of their work load.
Do you feel exhausted at the end of the day but aren’t sure what you’ve accomplished? If so, maybe you need to make some changes. For example, you could learn to use your calendar to help you get more done.
Start at the End of the Day
It may sound backward, but you should use your calendar to get more done by starting at the end of each day. Look ahead at what you have on your schedule for tomorrow.
By looking ahead you will be prepared for what is to come, such as early morning meetings you must attend. This is especially important if you need to prepare anything for the meeting ahead of time.
If you share calendars with coworkers looking ahead can help you plan for absences. Managers can use this tip to prevent them from scrambling the next day to ensure staff coverages.
Establish a Routine
One way to fly through tasks quickly is to get in a routine. You can use your calendar to get more done by setting up entries for routine events.
For example, the first thing you might do upon arriving at work is to listen to phone messages. Next you might check for emails, review your calendar, and complete any other morning activities.
Allow yourself 10 to 15 minutes to do this. Try to avoid jumping from one thing to another during this time and don’t let others to interrupt you if you can help it.
Prioritize Tasks
When you know a project is due on a certain day, put it in your calendar. If it helps, block out time to work on it so you have it completed on time. Both of these things can be done with a calendar.
But you can also prioritize tasks within your calendar as well. You can group together things that should be done together or one after the other. Arranging calendar entries in this way can assist you with making deadlines and getting more done.
Urgent matters get attention first while those that can wait don’t get done ahead of them.
Set Reminders
Most calendars permit you to set up reminders for scheduled meetings and event. Using them can keep you on track and help you get where you need to be on time.
You might be able to use reminders to stop and check your email or phone messages mid-way through your morning. Set a few more for lunchtime, mid-afternoon, and the end of the day. Using reminders effectively allows you to focus on more important jobs the rest of the time.
Block Time for Efficiency
If you know you’re the most productive in the morning, use your calendar to block time for efficiency. Schedule blocks of time in the morning to work on projects requiring intense concentration.
Create blocks of time in the afternoon for things that are easier to do when you are a little less focused.
If used to their best advantage, you can use your calendar to get more done in your day. Try some of these tips to see if your productivity level increases.31
Kayla Sloan
Kayla is a financial productivity expert that wants to help everyone pursue a life of freedom. My goal in life is to help people feel less chained to their jobs. You deserve to find the best. Lets get their together!