Every time, a good leader understands people’s motives, as well as what motivates and inspires them. Then, spend time with them to make more money.
Time is of the essence
They understand how to entice their employees to participate in a way that balances the individual’s interests, time, and needs with the group’s goals. This, of course, requires time and effort.
The research findings that examined how prominent company CEOs spend their time were published in the Harvard Business Review in 2018. They worked an average of 9.7 hours every workday, with many working nearly eight hours on weekends.
The average number of hours worked per week decreased to 62.5 hours. It’s a marvel there’s any time left to sleep with so much to accomplish and so many abilities to perfect.
What is the significance of this?
CEOs may use time management tactics to become more successful and productive leaders. And it’s not only CEOs who benefit; whether you’re a project manager, a team leader, or a division head, you’re likely to encounter similar issues. Don’t let gender considerations get in the way.
Here’s how you get the most out of each day at work: Meetings should be kept to a minimum. Is it true that CEOs spend 72 percent of their workweek in meetings? Yes, for the most part. It’s in the CEO’s best interests to keep such meetings under control, particularly those that may be outsourced.
Shortening meeting hour time is beneficial for those that cannot be delegated.
A one-hour meeting might typically be completed in half the time, presenting a higher quality of information. If the other participants know that their time is limited, they will get right to the point.
Set aside time for yourself. It becomes simpler to carve out time during the day for “alone time” by reducing meeting time. That time may now be allocated to create future time strategy goals and evaluate the existing strategy’s results. When it comes to building a successful future-oriented company, planning is crucial.
Become a spokesperson for the company’s mission.
Being a CEO is similar to being an ambassador. They’re in charge of portraying their firm to customers, workers, and the wider public.
Diplomacy is required to guarantee the company’s seamless stewardship. Living the corporate values demonstrates to executives and workers alike that the company culture is more than simply words on a page. Overall, honesty and generosity contribute significantly to developing and maintaining a value-driven business that knows the value of employees’ time.
A knowledgeable CEO recognizes that operating a firm with ethics and integrity will lead to a recognized environment where top-quality employees desire to work. As a result, attracting excellent personnel is a lot easier. It also fosters an environment that encourages the retention of key employees. As a result, they advocate for significant efforts to generate employment. And adhere to ethical labor standards, enhance the time and lives of consumers, and reduce the environmental impact of activities.
Make face-to-face contact time a priority.
According to research, face-to-face encounters accounted for 61 percent of CEOs’ work time. Given the CEO’s limited time, it’s critical to demonstrate to staff and consumers that you care about people, not just the bottom line. A good CEO is compassionate and makes time for mentoring and coaching.
Because you are leading by example, stressing the importance of these behaviors to your direct reports makes it simpler for them to create the same atmosphere and expectations for their direct reports. When you include your associates, workers, customers, and even the board of directors in your company’s vision, they are more likely to get on board sooner rather than later.
Don’t be apprehensive about delegating. Delegation is a very crucial talent to develop and strengthen. It’s not unusual for individuals to assume that they are the only ones who can handle any choice, project, or problem. That’s how you get to the point of burnout quickly.
When you have faith in the individuals you work with, give them work that you know they can perform and work that will challenge their talents; otherwise, they won’t grow. This will combat some of the post-pandemic apathy so prevalent right now.
You’re simply harming yourself if you don’t learn to delegate successfully.
The most exemplary executive is the one who has intelligence enough to hire excellent personnel to accomplish what he wants to be done, and self-restraint enough to abstain from interfering with them while they do it.
So say, management experts. A great CEO requires various abilities and characteristics, but like most things, it’s a work in progress. Everything, including you and your business, is constantly evolving. By successfully organizing your time, you can make the most of the chances that come your way.
Image Credit: Alena Darmel; Pexels; Thank you!
Howie Jones
My name is Howie and I'm a Customer Success Manager at Calendar. I like to ensure our customers get the best experience using our product. If you have questions email me howie at calendar.com