3 Time Management Tips for New College Grads

Time Management

Wednesday, May 24th, 2023

3 Time Management Tips for New College Grads

Graduating from college is such an exciting time in a young person’s life. You’re putting school behind you and moving on to a future full of possibility. You may feel as though you have the whole world in front of you and time to do anything. While raining on your parade is not the intent […]

The Best Ways for Moms to Manage Their Time and Avoid Burnout

Time Management

Thursday, May 18th, 2023

The Best Ways for Moms to Manage Their Time and Avoid Burnout

A common saying among moms is that “there aren’t enough hours in the day.” That may sound hyperbolic. But, a survey by Campbell’s Well Yes! Sipping Soups found that moms spend almost 100 hours weekly on parenting duties. As a point of comparison, an average employee works 40 hours per week. For mothers, parenting tasks […]

How to Survive ‘Maycember’

Time Management

Friday, May 12th, 2023

How to Survive ‘Maycember’

Are you a parent? If so, I don’t have to remind you how chaotic the month of May can be. With end-of-year parties, proms, sports banquets, last-minute school projects, recitals, productions, and graduations, your children’s schedule is jam-packed. But that’s not all. Aside from your work commitments, social events like weddings and holidays like Mother’s […]

9 Ruthless and Radical Time Management Tips

Time Management

Thursday, May 4th, 2023

9 Ruthless and Radical Time Management Tips

The key to effectively managing your time and schedule? Sometimes, you need radical and even a little ruthless. Despite creating a time management plan, you’re probably unable to achieve your goals because you’re too flexible and undemanding. Remember, you only have 24 hours in a day. And it’s not like you can’t magically regain those […]

Leveraging AI for Workforce Optimization and Employee Scheduling

Time Management

Tuesday, April 18th, 2023

Leveraging AI for Workforce Optimization and Employee Scheduling

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, has become a transformative element for businesses in the years following the pandemic. The advent of new technologies has helped businesses automate monotonous activities, alleviating employee workloads which in return helped them improve productivity and apply more tech-based solutions for redundant tasks. With the sudden rise in popularity of AI-driven tools […]

3 Ways Technology Is Building Efficient Teams Amidst Staff Shortages

Productivity, Time Management

Thursday, January 12th, 2023

3 Ways Technology Is Building Efficient Teams Amidst Staff Shortages

With staff shortages affecting every sector, it’s more important than ever for businesses to invest in technology that supports their employees and makes it easier for teams to do more with less. As worker shortages affect companies in every sector, many businesses are turning to technology to increase efficiency. Chatbots, specialized software platforms and automation […]

18 Time Management Tips for People with ADHD

Time Management

Friday, December 16th, 2022

18 Time Management Tips for People with ADHD

People usually think of ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) as something that affects kids. However, it affects about 4% to 5% of adults. It’s common for adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder to be restless, impulsive, and have trouble paying attention. Furthermore, due to time blindness, they think of time differently. People with time blindness […]

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